Chapter 2

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Perseus was shocked, to say the least. He loved Anastasia but not in that way, he just loved like his best friend and thought that it could expand into something more, if given some more time.

But they were not given that time and now, he had to marry her. He was sad, he couldn't even stand up to his parents. And whenever he was sad, he sat at the roof of the palace, and that's where he was.

Just gazing in the human world where the Olympians ruled, he had been taught the history of Gaia and the Olympians by Hemera, the primordial of Day, and she didn't miss out anything, if there was anything that he missed in his answers, she made him write those answers a hundred times.

The classes with Nyx were more fun, he got to learn about his powers with her, she was even cooler than Aether to hang out with. But, she didn't spend much time with him. She taught him almost everything he knew about his powers and never bragged about it unlike Aether who told everyone he taught him swordsmanship.

That is when his eyes caught a flash of silver from the corner of his eyes. He looked towards his left and zoomed his eyes, just to see a beautiful 17 year old looking girl with auburn hair a strong, hard face and beautiful silver eyes. She looked absolutely stunning, like she was a Olympian goddess herself.

She was being trailed by a dozen young girls wearing silver clothing and handling bows? They had to be the hunters of Artemis, which meant that the goddess was Artemis!

He wanted to go meet them, but he was not allowed by his parents. To hell, with them,'If I am mature enough to get married, I can go to Gaia.' He thought and flew towards the young hunters.


Artemis was hunting for some wild animals for meat and hide, obviously dangerous animals because she didn't want to harm innocent animals.


She heard a silent roar and turned towards her left but as soon as she turned toward the bear, it was running away, she shot it in the head as it was running away and it fell dead.

She expanded her senses and could feel a huge, powerful aura from a nearby tree, how could she miss it? Its aura had to be what made the bear run away.

She subtlety aimed her bow towards the spot she could feel the presence and shot an arrow.



Perseus was sitting at a oak tree, watching Artemis' hunters hunt, when he saw Artemis turn around, curse a little and shoot a arrow towards the ....... bear?

Why was it running away?

Maybe it was scared of Artemis.

Suddenly, Artemis turned a little and paused, a little shocked. And without any warning she turned towards Perseus and Thwack.

She shot him! At his shoulder! Which made him fall! In front of everyone!


As soon as Artemis released the arrow, a groan was heard and a man fell down from the tree, he appeared to be around 18 years old, but he was most probably a god, so he could've had changed his age to look younger or older. He had dark raven colored hair and a muscular body which would make Aphrodite swoon over him, for sure.

The hunters all had their bows aimed at his head. "Get up, you filthy male! Show us your face, then you shall be killed for spying on the hunters of Artemis." Artemis' lieutenant barked at the fallen male.

The male got up, he had a square face and kind sea green eyes which had a tint of amusement in them. He looked absolutely stunning, but Artemis didn't care.

"Not very tempting offer, you know? Atleast tempt me to get up nicely, girls!"


Atlanta noticed the amusement in his eyes and she knew he was a God so she told her hunters to hold their fire.


"Artemis, right?"

"How do you know I am Artemis?" Artemis demanded

"I am Perseus, Lady Artemis" the boy, Perseus said and bowed.

The hunters still held the bow with arrows notched but Artemis motioned for them to lower the bows. And they did.

"What were you doing spying on us, male?"

"I was just crossing through here when you and your hunters arrived, I got scared and hid on the tree." Perseus said. But Artemis knew he was telling a lie.

"Why were you crossing through a dense forest?"

"Uh, uh, I was searching for the nearest civilization?" The male said though it sounded more like a question.

"You deserve to turn into a maggot, Male, but you shall live, run, run as fast as you can, we will count wait for 1 minute and then we hunt you." Artemis challenged.

She knew it was risky but it could confirm her doubts.


Perseus had been running for half a minute now and he knew that he was out of the hunters' vision, so he turned invisible and flew away, towards his palace.


Artemis' hunters started the hunt and searched for a hour but could not find him and Artemis knew he was a God.


"Perseus! PERSEUS!", Anastasia yelled again, she had been searching for him since the big announcement and she still couldn't find him, the only place left was the roof.

She turned towards the window and jumped out, turning into a eagle on the way, she flew towards the domed roof and turned back into her original form with midnight black hair, tan skin, a sharp jaw and violet eyes. She was wearing a white Greek chiton and looked more like the goddess of beauty and less like the goddess of balance.

As she hoped, she found Perseus on the roof, sitting there, watching the Earth or Gaia as they called it. Anastasia went and sat beside him and just gazed at Gaia with him.

"You know, you don't have to marry me if you don't want to." Anastasia began after a while.

"No, no, no, no. It is not like that Sia, It is just that, uh, I don't love you like that. I think it may have evolved into something bigger if given more time , but, we are not getting that time!", Perseus answered.

"It's okay, Perse, I can tell them that I don't want to marry you, if you want." Anastasia told to the person, she loved. Nyx, her mother, had told her that she would marry Perseus when Anastasia was 3 years old, mentally.

Since then, Anastasia had loved him, she thought that he would love her too, but, if he didn't want to marry her, she would let him go.

"No, Sia, I love you and will marry you, happily.", Perseus said and Anastasia's heart fluttered to Elysium just by the three words he had said, he loved her.


Perseus loved Anastasia but he also didn't want to marry her but still he assured her,"No, Sia, I love you and will marry you, happily."

Anastasia's face looked like she had just been told that she was Nyx's favorite child. She slowly started leaning towards Perseus who leaned back. With both their eyes closed, they joined their lips, and both kissed eachother gently, just touching and feeling the warmth of eachother's lips.


What neither of them knew was that the lady of the Night, mother of the bride, had seen all. Heard all.


Word Count : 1387

Published : 24 December 2020, Thursday

'If you live to a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I will never have to live without you.'

- Winnie The Pooh

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