Chapter 11

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Anastasia stared at the alien form of her brother. He was as pale as a ghost as compared to his usual tan skin, his eyes were as dark as the ocean depths with a hint of his previous blue. The sword strapped to his waist was longer than his own, his real one.

She suddenly flew to his feet as the giant behind her pushed the weak primordial, her eyes finally gathered tears in them as she elected a grunt from the pain she fell by the cold floor.

"Aah!", she shouted as Alexander pulled her up to her legs using her dark hair as a rope. Anastasia stared at him with the tears now flowing down her cheeks, she payed no attention to the giant as he passed her handcuffs in her dear brother's hands.

"Move.", even his voice was different. Darker and more menacing. But, she complied walking forward, her legs like noodles- wobbly. She was probably gonna fall.

'Alexander.', she tried using the mind link they had but received no response, not even a change of expression on her brother’s beautiful face.

"Aah!", she fell as she was expecting, electing a grunt from her. "Walk.", Alexander growled, Anastasia's head whipped above as she glared at her brother with tears in her eyes. Desperation and anger flashed in her eyes. "Make me."


Zeus looked at Perseus, his eyes going from the top of his head to his leather encased feet floating an inch or two above the ground.

"Come here.", Zeus ordered Perseus who looked as confused as the other Olympians before walking towards the king of the gods. It took him a minute at most but it seemed like am eternity with the other gods staring at him.

"You're not another one of my children, are you?", Zeus whispered to the young primordial with a slight scared but calm look on his face. "What!? Of course not!", Perseus stared at him, disgusted by the thunder God who missed the expression as he motioned for Perseus to go back.

"Who are you?", Athena spoke in her all knowing voice, sounding a little angry and frustrated at the one thing she did not know.

"I have an offer for you. I need a little help with something, for which I offer whatever you want from me.", Perseus calmly told the council, watching with beady eyes as the council member's showed what they felt. Ares and Artemis looking at him smugly while Zeus looked a bit surprised.

"You will tell us whatever we want anyways.", Ares sneered at him. "That is what you think.", Perseus stared at Ares, who matched the primordial's gaze with one of his own. Ares' blood red eyes flashed angrily and his fingers clenched into fists as the powerful being stared at him.

"Sit down, both of you.", Zeus commanded, summoning a wooden stool for the younger immortal. Both, Ares and Perseus stared at each other for another moment before Perseus sat down, his eyes averting to the goddess of moon, whose eyes met the primordial's for a moment too long.

"What do you need from us?", the queen of gods asked in her smooth voice, her eyes focusing on the being in front of her.

"I... I need help locating... someone and the best locator I know is the goddess of hunt.", he proposed, his irises at the edge of his eyes, looking at Artemis' reaction.

Her face scrunched in anger, her eyes flashing dangerously. "Absolutely not. I will never help a disgusting, prideful, arrogant God like you. I will not do this, father.", her anger misdirected at Zeus who looked back at the goddess defiantly.

"Oh. Will you not?"

"Artemis will help you if you tell us who and what you are and who do you work for. You will also pledge allegiance to Olympus. If you do all this, I swear to the Styx that Artemis will help you.", Zeus commanded Perseus, who stared at the god with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

He sighed, "I am Perseus, the God of Clouds and Violent Winds. I work for nobody but am loyal to my mother, father and grandmother. Is that all?", he looked Zeus dead in the eyes.

"The oath.", Athena chipped in gleefully, finally knowing who the formerly mysterious God was.

"I swear on the styx to be allegiant to Mount Olympus and it's rulers till the time my friend is found, and also if Artemis helps me in finding Anastasia, I will renew this oath after Artemis and I find Anastasia.", he said as Artemis and Perseus locked eyes.


'Please follow me Anastasia.'


Word Count: 797 words.

Published: 15 September 2021

'An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.'
~Mahatma Gandhi

Author's Note: If you don't have anything to read right now, you can try 'Memories (Percabeth Au)' by the_soft_fangirl

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