chapter twenty

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the entire ride was silent, and eveline couldn't help but feel bad for belch, he just wanted to help and now he was forced into this awkward situation.

of course she felt bad for greta too, ted was horrible to her! eveline couldn't imagine what was going through her head, and it didn't help that greta stayed silent, though eveline couldn't blame her.

the only person she didnt feel bad for was ted, even though everyone else should because of the butt whooping she's gonna give him!

but that's for later, right now evelines main focus was cheering up her best friend.

with greta not really in the mood to talk, it was mostly eveline rambling -which is weird since it's usually greta whos the one rambling.

"so i was thinking on saturday, stephen could drive us into the city and we could go shopping at a mall or something, and then maybe bowling! ive never really went bowling before but it sounds really fun! have you ever been bowling?" greta gave a slight nod, "great! you have experience so you'll probably be better then me but that's okay! i mean we can't win every time but ill just hope that the next time i win and it'll be more satisfying because of the heartbreak i got from losing my first game!!" eveline tried to cheer her friend up, from subtle strokes of greta's ego to making everything into an analogy about how ted sucked and greta would get the next guy.

though nothing seemed to really make greta feel better, sneaking glares at ted's direction definitely made eveline feel better.

soon they reached gretas house, and eveline walked her to her door, where greta finally talked, wishing her a quiet goodbye, before entering her house.

eveline sighed, but walked back to the car for an even more awkward ride back home.

the entire time, eveline was glaring at ted so hard she hoped she burnt a hole right through his big fat head, and was imagining some very violent scenes that she would not be comfortable explaining to her grandma.

when they reached the payne residence, eveline thanked belch and stormed into the house, followed by her brother who was acting like everything was normal.

as soon as they both got in, eveline turned to her brother.

"why were you a butthole to greta?"

"why was she being so annoying?"

eveline clenched her fist to stop her from  punching him. "she was not! she was trying to be your friend-"

"she was trying to fuck."

"so?! who cares? if you don't like a girl you let her down gently! you don't embarrass her!" eveline saw stephan and dennis come in, probably wondering why they were yelling, but neither eveline or ted acknowledged them.

"why? she deserves it."

"for liking you?!"

"guys- calm down."

"for stooping that low to try to make me jealous, for whoring herself out, for being so self centered that she just expected me to fall for her, for being so look based that she fell for me without even knowing me, for using vic, for probably using you-"


"she's not using me!"

"oh yeah? isn't that what you said about what's his face back in la? or your 'bestie' from there, what was her name again? OH-" ted laughed as if to mock her, slapping his hand against his thigh as if he just remembered something before pointing at her, "or maybe even mom and dad?"


eveline stayed silent for a long time, her fists were clenched and she couldn't see her brother properly through the tears growing in her eyes. his words hurt she'll admit, but she knew how to hurt him too.

"i think thats enough, both go to yo-"

"maybe greta only liked you for your looks, but that's the only way she'd ever like you because the second people get to know you, they realise what a terrible person you are, just like mom did."



she saw the shock and hurt on ted's face, and eveline couldn't focus on anything but that, including the hand that went flying towards her face, only noticing when she went flying onto the ground from the impact.



stephan quickly got in between the two siblings, grabbing ted's wrist even though he wasn't swinging anymore, instead trying to leave.

he hit her.

he actually hit her.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" ted finally got out of stephan's grip, glaring at eveline once more before storming out of the house, slamming the door shut so the whole house shook.

he fricking hit her.

"eve?" eveline flinched as she felt dennis's hands on her cheek, where ted had punched her.

her cheek stung, she could already tell it was going to bruise.

stephan's worried face came infront of hers, "evie, we need to ice your cheek."

eveline shook her head, her cheek really hurt. "no," she mumbled, standing up while using her brother as a crutch.

dennis furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean no?"

eveline shook her head again, she didnt want to talk, she just wanted her bed and to cry, she wanted to cuddle with her friends and the people she loved, she didn't want this. did she push too far?

"im going to bed." she mumbled, pushing past her brothers.

"eve we ca-" dennis stopped as stephan put his hand on his shoulders, giving him a shake of his head to tell him to let her be.

he had hit her.

A/N naur bc im about to. the audacity of this man im gonna. this boy is gonna get fucking beat idc hands down im gonna kill this dude. but like anyways slight announcement me n the other writer linked up so he's my little meow meow n i love them so 😘 sad chapter written by two love sick niggas
also we were thinking abt doing a slight introduction chapter to us cus i realised that since this is my acc yall don't rlly know anything abt the other author? like it wouldn't do anything with the book and it wouldn't replace a chapter update cus no shit but i dunno if yall would be interested in that sorta thing saurr

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