chapter nine

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as soon as eveline and patrick walked into the house, steven came stomping into the front entrance.

"eveline marie payne! where have you been?"

eveline looked down at her feet, never liking when steven yelled, "teddy took me and his friends to hang out..."

steven sighed, just like how eveline didn't like getting yelled at, he never liked yelling, "i was worried sick! don't you dare do that again! where the hell is your broth-" steven then noticed patrick, "and who're you?"

eveline smiled, "this is patrick! he drove me home so i could make sure you knew where i was," patrick nodded, offering steven his hand, which he shook,

"evening sir, i was wondering if eveline could continue hanging out with us today," patrick smiled at steven, something neither of them were use to. patrick not being use to being polite and steven not used to teenage boys showing manners.

"please stevie! i swear i thought you knew!" eveline hugged steven, making him sigh again.

"and im guessing your brother knew i didn't know?" eveline took a step back,

"uhh i don't know?" she hated lying but she knew steven and ted would just get in a fight.

due to her lack of practice, eveline sucked at lying, making it easy for steven to know, "eveline."

"aww don't do the voice!" eveline pouted, making it harder for steven to keep up his stern act.

"y'know lyings bad," eveline looked back and forth between patrick and steven, thinking he would think less of her if she blabbed about her brother, but she really hated lying.

"fine! ted did know but please don't yell at him he probably didn't mean much harm!" it all came out really fast, showing eveline's distress at a simple white lie that never lasted, making patrick silently coo at his dolls cuteness.

steven sighed again, "you can continue hanging with your friends, i want ted home though,"

eveline frowned, "but then he'll force me to come back!"

"tell him that i want you to stay out,"

"you know that won't stop him!"

"how long has it been since we left evie?" patrick interrupted, seeming nonchalant.

"uhm..." eveline thought for a bit before widening her eyes, "shoot!"

"what? why?" steven questioned, a bit worried on why eveline would freak.

"teddy said i only had 30 minutes before he'd," eveline leant towards her brother, whispering "kill patrick,"

patrick chuckled, "he won't actually kill me evie,"

steven bit his lip and eveline shook her head,

"no no! he'll hurt you we have to go!" she tried to push him out the door but he stood still, "c'mon!!" she grunted,

"let's stay here, then when ted comes to 'hurt me'" patrick couldn't help but chuckle a bit, "he'd already be here and we can leave! that way he won't force you to come back here with him,"

"that actually makes sense," the siblings jumped at dennis's voice, him seemingly coming out of no where,

"jesus dennis! stop fucking doing that!" steven huffed,

dennis just laughed and nodded towards patrick, "what's up with this dude?"

"this is patrick! he's my new friend," eveline smiled before trying to push him out the door again, "who i don't want to die!"

dennis rolled his eyes and grabbed eveline by the waist, pulling her back and towards the couch,


"you said you had thirty minutes?" eveline nodded her head, "how long has it been?" he was looking at patrick when he asked this,

"uhm, twenty, twenty five minutes?"

"and im guessing you can't get there in less than five minutes huh eve?" eveline looked down and shook her head. "great, so you guys can stay here," patrick grinned at dennis's words and eveline's pout, walking over to the couch and sitting on the other side of the girl.

steven sighed, knowing once ted came home they'd probably have to replace a door or two, "I'll go make some tea,"

"add some bourbon to mine," dennis grinned at his older brother, who had just given him a quick warning before walking into the connected kitchen.

it was an awkward silence between the three for a bit, the only thing patrick was focused on was the girl, who kept nervously looking back and forth from him, the door and her feet.

"you can calm down, dollface," patrick had thought she was nervous because of him, thinking of ways to escape.

dennis chuckled, making eveline lightly hit his arm, "don't laugh! i have a right to be nervous!" patrick was getting a bit sick and tired of this,

"it's not like ted's going to actually do something," eveline looked down and dennis chuckled again,

"before we moved, evie here had a crush," he teased, making eveline quickly cover her face with her hands, making patrick coo again. yes he was mad that this douche had stolen eveline's heart but he didn't focus on that yet, just his doll's little blush,

"the dude eventually noticed her, considering she was basically stalking him," dennis grinned at eveline's gasp,

"i wasn't stalking him! i just wrote him notes and walked him home! with his knowledge, f y i mister!"patrick smiled but gripped his knee, getting increasingly more annoyed. why was this story was even relevant? was this a test of some sorts?

"okay stalker," eveline huffed at dennis, "but they weren't official i guess, at least thats what this little one tried to say to excuse the asshole,"

"we technically weren't official,"

"uh huh, whatever, so our dear peacemaking brother was walking around and saw the asshole sucking faces with this chick,"

"i don't like this part," eveline crossed her arms.

"whatever, so as one does, he kills him," patrick's mouth opened, but nothing came out,

"that's not true!" eveline turned towards her brother, frowning at the now laughing boy.

"no, it's not," patrick breathed a sigh of relief, he could definitely take ted, but it really wasn't worth it, "but he did rough the guy up quite a bit, broke his nose and gave him a concussion,"

"don't forget the teeth," eveline chirped,

"ahh yes! how could i forget? the kid had to get dentures because most of his front teeth were missing, a couple were found inside his gums believe it or not," eveline grimaced,

"this story never pleases my gums," she placed her fingers on top of her lips, patrick and dennis laughing.

the door slams open, making all of them snap their attention towards ted, who only seemed to see patrick, "hockstetter."

A/N special thanks to everyone who voted last chapter!!

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