chapter twelve

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important a/n at end please read!!

after their 'old friend' had left, the boys no longer wanted to go swimming, instead just deciding to drop eveline off for them to cause some chaos, course she didn't know that. so there they were, crowded in belch's blue trans am

these roads were quite bumpy, derry not apparently caring about the safety of its drivers, but the teenagers not being able to do jack shit and being used to it by now, didn't comment.

the silence was disturbed by henry.

"so eveline," henry looked behind him at the girl in the middle seat, who innocently looked up to him,

"yes henry?"

"you're brother didn't really give us much of an answer, why'd you mo-" before henry could finish his sentence, belch ran over a huge fucking pot hole, making all of them fly into the air.

eveline held her hands out beside her in an attempt to rest one on both victor and patrick for balance,

"fuck!" they all looked towards patrick, who quickly noticed and shrugged, "hit my head," they all laughed,

"me too, fucking retard!" henry gave patrick a highfive,

"yeah well at least i was sitting down," patrick referenced to henry, who was half standing and half leaning against his seat, who just laughed.

everyone seemed to forget the incident, except patrick.

he didn't hit his head, his outburst was actually caused by the fact that eveline, in an attempt to steady herself, groped his dick.

he honestly had no idea how she didn't notice, but was grateful she didn't, if anyone was to look, his hard on wouldn't be a hard find.

belch pulled up to eveline's house, all waving goodbye to the girl before driving away,

"man, it's almost weird having someone like her around," victor stated, "i mean, right pat-" he turned towards his friend before quickly pushing himself into his door and yelling, "aw fuck man, really?!"

all the boys turned around to see a disgusted victor, a laughing patrick, and the latter's bulge.

henry cackled, "dude! you fucking popped one just from her sitting next to you?"

patrick laughed back, "no dude! she grabbed my dick!"

belch looked away from the road for a second to look at patrick, astounded "no she fucking didn't dude!"

"yeah! when the piece of shit roads made us go flying her hand went right on my dick!" the boy laughed, the others laughing too but more in shock.

"no fucking way hockstetter!" henry grinned, "fuck man next time im sitting back there!" patrick narrowed his eyes but laughed forcefully, the other laughs drowning out his fake ones.

"even her hand on my thigh was fucking insane dude!" victor sniggered and suddenly patrick didn't feel like hanging out.

belch, being the most caring of the gang, noticed patrick's sour attitude almost instantly, "what's up pat?"

the other two boys stopped their perverted jokes to look at pat, who was glaring at seemingly everything, "nothin', just drop me off,"

"hey, lighten up you faggot," henry laughed, trying to lighten up the mood to how it was before.

"suck my dick bowers!" henry glared at patrick but turned around, sulking in the front.

"okaaayyy, uh just home then pat?" belch asked, receiving only a grunt in response, which he took as a yes.

𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝙌𝙐𝙀𝙀𝙉 (PATRICK HOCKSTETTER)Where stories live. Discover now