chapter eleven

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"so why are we here?" eveline asked as the truck pulled up to a cliff,

"it's where we use to go swimming all the time, that's before the fucking losers infected it," henry grumbled, eveline had heard about the losers from the boys, yet she didn't actually know who they were, other then that her new friends hated them.

"well, ok. but why are we here?" patrick snorts at eveline's unintentional sassy comment, henry just glaring at him.

victor smiled reassuringly at her, "we're going swimming," patrick glared at vic.

"oh, ok. but i didn't bring a bathing suit?" eveline tilted her head innocently, making patrick unable to hold back his love filled chuckle.

"we're just going in our underwear dollface," eveline smiled at patrick and nodded,

"why though?"

henry huffed, "jesus fucking christ we're doing this because we want to evie so shut the fuck up!" eveline was a bit shocked at his words and even teared up a bit, but she knew all her questions were annoying.

patrick fumed, "shut it bowers! she's probably just making sure you fucking pervs don't touch her!"

"shouldn't she be more worried about you, she knows about the fridge, right?" henry spat, making patrick almost cave his skull in before belch yelled.

"guys! it's the fucking losers!" they all turned towards where belch was looking towards and saw a group of boys with horror-stricken facial expressions resting on top of their bikes.

instantly the two boys dropped their disagreement and grinned maniacally, henry whistling, "let's get 'em boys!"

eveline was beyond confused, so when her friends started running after the boys, who hadn't started pedalling so fast in their life, she ran after them. she didn't feel like being left alone in the woods, it gave her the frights, like something sinister was in there.

one of the boys looked behind him at the recognizable boys and the unfamiliar girl, getting too cocky that he decided to antagonize the bullies, "maybe you should start running more bowers! lose a few pounds!" the boys laughter was cut off by him hitting straight into a tree knocking him down, unbeknownst to his friends.

"fuck!" the boy scrambled up and tried to run, henry grabbing the back of his shirt before he could,

"you're not going anywhere, trashmouth!" he laughed like a hyena, looking at the smaller boy as if he was his first meal in a decade.

"yeah fucking loser, what 'cha gonna do?" vic laughed.

"let's say we teach 'em a lesson, what do you sa-" henry turned around to look at his boys, only to notice that a girl was there too, "eveline?" all the boys turned towards her.

it seemed that in their adrenaline rush of beating up a loser, they didn't notice the quiet girl tagging along, all of them instantly softening up much to the shock -and relief- of the young boy.

"yes henry?" she looked up at his sweetly and he couldn't help but loosen his grip on richie, who was unfortunately too invested in who the fuck this girl was to use that to his advantage.

she was beautiful, stunning even, he knew he would've noticed her if he saw her at school, and there was no way he hadn't seen her all year. his mind suddenly remembered stan talking about the new kids, who he apparently lives close enough to hear all the yelling and see all the commotion.

he also remembered stan talking about how the girl looked and acted, and how he was shocked she showed up with greta keene and what looked like the long lost fifth member of the bowers gang.

richie didn't notice any other new faces, so he thought stan had been worried about the wrong new kid.

henry sighed, bringing richie back to the present, "evie, could you wait by the car?"

"why?" eveline tilted her head again, "i want to hang out with my friends," she hadn't meant to, but it made all the boys feel a sting of guilt pull at their heartstrings, but they couldn't let her watch as they beat up trashmouth, it would traumatize her!

vic scratched the back of his neck, "we're uhh, saying hello to an old friend?" it came out are more of a question but eveline believed it, jumping up and down, squealing,

"why didn't you tell me? any friend of yours is a friend of mine! why would i leave this?" eveline was too excited to notice the glare the three boys gave at vic, who just smiled sheepishly.

eveline pushed past henry and offered richie her hand, who hesitated at first, before taking hers and shaking it, "im eveline payne! my family just moved here! and you are?"

richie looked at her funny, "uhh im richie tozier, my family's lived here a while," eveline laughed and turned to her fuming friends,

"you didn't tell me he was funny!" patrick growled while henry gritted his teeth,

"yep, he's just a charmer," a deaf man could hear the forcfulness of his voice, but eveline was too wrapped up in being nice to her new friends old friends!

"so you're an old friend?" eveline smiled at richie, who leaned slightly to see over her shoulder, a scowling vic, a glaring belch, a murderous henry and patrick who looked like he was seconds away from ripping his head off at any moment, animal kingdom style, so richie just frantically nodded,

"yep, old friend! an old friend who should get going! bye!" richie quickly grabbed his bike and ran away with it, leaving a waving eveline and a reluctant gang.

holy shit, he survived? without a fucking scratch! well unless you count the scratch from riding into a fucking tree.

"richie!" he turned and saw his friend eddie run towards him, with his friends bill and stan behind him.

once they reached him he was bombarded with questions, and a buzzing eddie checking him over.

"what happened?"

"are you ok?"

"why didn't you come out of the forest with us?"

eddie stood up from examining richie and furrowed his eyebrows, "you're not hurt?" the other two boys gaped.


eddie sighed, "he's not hurt,"

"that's not possible!" huffed stan while richie just shot them a cocky grin.

"whats up with you now trashmouth?" stan sighed.

"i found a way to get immunity from henry fucking bowers,"

A/N woah. this story has over 2k reads?? that's...fucking insane lol. honestly I didnt expect this much but holy crap am I thankful!! remember to comment and vote☺️

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