chapter two

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eveline was excited for her new school, she decided she wanted to go to school as soon as she could, whereas her brother, ted, was less enthusiastic.

sure, she was scared of meeting all the new people, but she already made a friend, greta, as she learned the more they talked, so she wasn't too worried.

after greta left, the siblings put away some more boxes and furniture, before giving up. they could take in the rest of the boxes later. with all the carrying boxes and traveling and then carrying boxes again, all of them were exhausted.

she woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring, eveline pouted, before remembering why she had set an alarm.

she walked into the living room, still wearing her pajamas and almost ran into one of the many boxes littering the room, her brother sitting on the couch reading a book. she was glad that atleast the couch got brought in,

"eve, you're actually going to school, already?" dennis closed his book, slipping in the book mark.

"of course! the sooner the better!" she gave her big brother a smile, who just snorted and open his book up again, continuing to read.

dennis payne was a senior in highscool, he got overall good marks without trying, so he didn't. he mostly just read his books and kept out of others ways. he had round glasses which fit his soft face. he had a defined jawline, not overly, but enough to make him attractive and wavy dirty blonde hair, which use to be the platinum blonde seen on eveline, slowly darkened since he was a kid.

dennis was a rather scrawny kid, you could definitely see the resemblance between eveline and dennis, better then her other two brothers, who had stronger jawlines and darker hair.

eveline skipped into the kitchen, making two pieces of toast, one with jam and the other with peanut butter, before skipping into her brother's room.

she opened up the door to ted, still fast asleep on his bed, that being the only thing in his unfurnished bedroom.

"teddy," eveline called, getting no response except for a pout from herself, "teddyyy," she dragged on for longer before pouting again, deciding to finally yell "teddy!" nothing.

her other brother, stephen, came in, "what're you yelling at ted for?"

"he's sleeping!" stephen laughed,

"well in that case," he leaned down towards ted, "teddy~", he hummed

"whispering isn't gonna do anything!" stephen laughed again, before putting his finger to his mouth, signaling her to stay quiet.

"teddy-bear~!" ted's sleeping face grimaced a bit. "well, he's stuck asleep!" eveline pouted again,

"he promised he'd go to school when i did!" stephen nodded sympathetically, before grinning and slapping ted's face, causing ted to instantly slap stephen back, too fast for someone who was supposed to be asleep.

"wakey wakey sunshine!" ted glared at his brother, before spotting the peanut butter toast eveline had on a plate,

"is that for me..?" he glanced up from the plate to eveline, who nodded and pushed the plate towards him, who gladly took it and took a large bite.

"yeah! you need your nutritions for school!" ted instantly stopped chewing and quickly swallowed, grimacing at eveline.

"no, evie, im going when you go," stephen snorted at ted's response, who shot him another glare.

"yeah! im going today!" ted frowned.

"don't you think we should stay for a couple more days? help our big bros unpack?" he put his hand over top eveline's who frowned and nodded, before stephen spoke up.

"nope, im planning on finding wherever the store in this town is, and get some food before making dinner. so you guys have allll day to learn and meet new people," stephan was smirking at ted while saying this, knowing he wants to punch him out, but can't with eveline watching.

ted coughed, "well, actually, i think im coming down with something," he felt his forehead, "yeah, it's really hot! im really sorry, eve," eveline instantly nodded,

"of course! if you're forehead is super hot and you're feeling sick, you should stay home!" although sad, she was okay with meeting new people herself, she guessed. her brothers health was more important then her anxiety!

"really?" stephen knelt down to feel ted's forehead, who slapped his hand away, and after a long glaring contest, stephen placed his hand on his forehead, "it's pretty cold actually, maybe it's just your nerves?"

"teddy! you're nervous?" ted was never nervous! at least, not that eveline knew of.

"no, no-"

"then why'd you say you felt sick? obviously you aren't so...what's the matter, bro?" stephen was enjoying every moment of this a bit too much, ted cared too much about eveline to hurt her feelings, but he really hated school and people.

ted gritted his teeth, "ok, you got me guys, im very nervous, we haven't moved to a new school before," it was obvious it was fake, but eveline jumped and hugged her brother,

"it's ok! we'll go in together! and if anybody gives you trouble, stephen will beat them up! right stevie?" eveline turned to her other brother and gave him puppy dog eyes, which got a laugh out of stephen as he ruffled ted's hair, which ted gave a growl at.

"of course, buddy, i got you," both ted and stephen knew that he wouldn't step in if he was bullied, not that he didn't want to but ted would already beat them half to death if someone tried.

"yay! teddy, we gotta get dressed! greta should be picking us up soon!"


"greta!" before ted could question any further, eveline jumped off of him and out the door, presumably to her room, leaving stephan and him alone in his room.

"you're a fucking asshole!" ted quickly went to shove him, stephen grabbing onto him before he could.

"calm down, it'll be better for you to go to school with her,"

"bullshit!" ted struggled against his brothers arms, which held his hands inward, almost like he was hugging his back. "you don't care about that! you just fucking care about being a fucking prick!"

ted finally got out of his hold and turned around, out of breath from struggling, and holding his fists up, but not punching, not yet.

"ted, do you honestly think nobody will hurt her?" ted paused but held his stance, "look at her! do you honestly think no boys are gonna slap her ass to try to look cool?" ted swung, stephen quickly shoving his fists, "that no girls gonna look at her and push her around out of jealousy?"

ted punched again, except this time it hit stephen in the jaw, knocking him backwards a bit, hoping to shut him up but just made stephen talk more.

"you think that no ones gonna look at the sweet, pretty new girl and not take advantage of that? you'd have to be fucking delusional to, you know she won't last by herself!" ted seemed to retreat

"keep it down would'ja? she might hear you," ted sighed and sat down on his bed,

"i fucking hate this," he grumbled, holding his head in his hands,

stephen sighed, sitting himself beside ted, "i know, i do too, we just gotta keep it up for eveline,"

"yeah, i know."

it was silent for a bit before stephen smirked, "hey, at least you have a new set of girls," ted chuckled


A/N white boy anger

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