chapter twenty three

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after her talk with stephen, eveline grabbed an ice pack and went to her room, she wanted to catch up on some homework anyways.

she finished an essay that was due soon and started to work on a worksheet before her eyes started to feel heavy. she didnt expect herself to stay awake for long so she tucked away her books and fell on her bed, drifting away as she thought of ways she could be angry at ted tomorrow.

the next morning it was surprisingly the same as yesterday.

normally having the same routine as yesterday is the preferred, except for when your usually schedule was interrupted by your brother disappearing like a drama queen.

stephen was stressed when he told her she was at home again, probably at the fact that this is the longest ted's ran away for, but eveline just shrugged, ignoring the feeling of dread creeping up from her throat. with ted being a dick to greta and worrying stephen she would have to think of a lot of ways to make ted feel bad. that jerk.

eveline had finished her worksheet and decided to read a book she's been meaning to.

the book was about a girl who got kidnapped by her crazy coworker, and was forced to trap victims for him before eventually falling in love. eveline thought it was a bit unrealistic to be honest, she didn't get how someone could go from being neutral to outright obsessed with someone, though it was an interesting read and she didn't even notice how much time had passed before she looked up and noticed the darkening sky.

her stomach rumbled and she stood up, with it being so late she was almost positive ted came home by now and she could give him the silent treatment that he's been avoiding.

though when she walked into the kitchen, she didnt see ted but instead stephen, his red rimmed eyes visible from where she stood across the room.

hesitantly, eveline crept closer. "stevie..?"

he looked up at his younger sister and rapidly blinked his tears away, his voice croaking as he spoke. "hey evie, i barely saw you all day,"

"i was reading..." she mumbled, feeling a but guilty. "where's ted?"

stephen's face dropped, "uh- he hasnt-" his eyes grew glossy but he just cleared his throat, "he hasn't come home yet, i just got off the phone with the sheriff and he says he'll have a few officers ask around. i let dennis borrow the car to drive around."


eveline felt the taste of bile crawl up her throat as she bit her lip, abandoning supper to retreat to her room.

this time her thoughts were filled with where ted was.

eveline couldn't help but feel a bit worried when she awoke, and the second she gained her sense of mind, she went to the living room and asked stephen if there was any updates on ted.

he gave her a tight smile, "no not yet honey, how about you sit down and watch some cartoons while I make us some eggs and toast,"

eveline didnt even bother with school, she assumed she would be missing again. truthfully, she dodnt think she could handle today. plus the cartoons should help her distract herself, so she sat herself down as stephen went to prepare her a meal.

it seemed dennis already left and when she checked the time on the dvd player she noted it was already 10, meaning she slept in.

it probably was because she didn't sleep well last night and although it wasn't a big deal, it wasn't normal, just like ted not being here, and it made her angsty.

she decided on duck tales right as stephen walked back into the front room, "we're out of milk so i need to go quickly pick some up, is that ok with you?"

'no, not really.' was what she wanted to say, but she didn't want to be more trouble.

her eyes stinged as she nodded and turned back to the tv to avoid him seeing her upset.

"okay, i should be back soon 'kay?" he grabbed his keys and kissed eveline's forehead, bidding her goodbye before closing the door before him.

eveline didnt want to be alone, she hated being all alone. she wanted teddy-

she physically shook those thoughts out of her head. ted is an jerk and she needs to treat him like one.

she turned her attention back to the tv, though she wasn't paying attention, her mind swamped with all the bad things that could be happening right now.

her anxieties were interrupted by the doorbell going off many times and rapid knocks at the door, almost making her jump out of her skin.

she assumed it was stephen who forgot his keys but when she opened the door the figure was a lot taller and a lot more angry.

"where the fuck have you been? do you know how long its been? three days! three days with nothing! what the hell could be taking you three da-"


the said boy looked at eveline, ready to bite her head off for interrupting him before he saw her face, his own going dark.


his face was terrifying, "patrick?"

"what the fuck happened to your face?"

the look patrick had on his face froze eveline, she couldn't help but lower her head, "its- its nothi-"

he gripped her wrists, a small whimper leaving the small girl's mouth, "tell me."


patricks face went slack but eveline could feel his grip tighten around her wrists, "where is he, angel?" eveline couldn't hear the strain in his voice.

she choked back a sob at the thought that she didn't know and patrick dropped her wrists, cupping her face instead, "darling shhh its okay, don't cry! i just want to talk to him, it's all right!"

eveline slammed her head into the boy's chest, "its not okay! he left and he hasn't come back and it's all my fault!"

he rubbed circles on her back, whispering soothing phases into her ear.

"ted's gonna come back, angel." and when he does, god help him.

A/N nvm i feel bad so have a double update. i might post another one next week bc i feel this one and the last one were badly written 😭

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