chapter three

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while her brothers fought, eveline was completely oblivious, having not a care in the world except whether or not it would get colder as the day went on.

she eventually decided it wouldn't, it was nearly summer, and she didn't want to swear any long sleeves.

she decided on a pair of jeans shorts and a white tank top tucked into it. she added some jewelry earrings a necklace and decided she was good.

she ate her jam toast and brushed her teeth, being too bored to wait inside, so she let her brothers know what she was doing, grabbed her bag and waited on her porch for her newly found friend.

as soon as greta got close to eveline's house, she jumped up and hugged her,

"greta! how're you!" greta smiled at the girls greeting.

"im doing good! how about you? where's your brother?" greta noticed the lack of people she thought she was walking, yes she enjoyed eveline's company but she also enjoys the company of hot older boys.

"oh! right! ill go grab him!" she turned around and ran towards the door, opening it slightly, "TEDDY! WE GOTTA GOOO!" greta could hear a faint reply to her, which seemed to satisfy eveline enough to close the door and skip back towards her friend.

"he said he's coming! he's a bit nervous," eveline whispered, which the other girl laughed at.

the door opened and both girls turned towards the noise, both having very different reactions.

eveline grinned and waved frantically, whereas greta's jaw dropped.

"you've got to be kidding me..."

"hi teddy!"

greta expected someone attractive yes, but she was convinced the man infront of her was a god.

he had a defined jawline, not sharp, but defined, and plump lips. his eyes were a dark brown and had thick eyebrows, which were furrowed together as his eyes adjusted to the light. his dark, curly hair looked soft and messy. even in a plain white shirt and jeans, he looked like a model.

greta looked back and forth between eveline and her brother, they obviously had differences, yet you could still tell they were related. they had the same lips, the same nose, the same face shape (although he had more of a stronger jawline) and the same eyes.

greta couldn't help feeling a bit self conscious but it's not like anyone else would actually like eveline without greta there.

it was a lie and greta knew it, but it made her feel better.

"so this is greta?" ted asked, looking the girl up and down, who instinctually sucked in her stomach and pushed out her chest, again.

"yep! she's been so nice!" ted raised an eyebrow at greta, he didn't seem to be as oblivious as eveline and stephan, but he didn't comment.

"well, c'mon then, im not gonna stand out here any longer then i have to," ted grumbled, which made greta instantly start walking, the siblings following her,

it was an awkward silence for a bit, something eveline seemed immune to, she was skipping along the middle of the sidewalk, greta and ted on either side before she looked back and stopped.

"what the hell? eve what're you doing?" eveline just tilted her head at ted's question and pointed at his head,

"when'd you get your ears pierced?" greta looked and noticed that ted did have an ear piercing, she didn't even get one of those until last year.

"mmh a couple weeks ago, after stephen told me i couldnt," greta widened her eyes, whereas eveline just nodded and continued skipping, as if that was a normal response.

"did he find out?" greta couldn't imagine doing something permanent to her body without her parents permission. ted didn't even spare her a glance.


"did he freak?"


"did it hurt?"


"did i-" ted rolled his eyes,

"it's not like i robbed a bank, i simply poked a needle through my ear with a couple of buddies and put some ice on it. can we get over this?"

"sorry," greta mumbled, eveline clueless to her brother snapping at her friend, saw a large brick building, which she assumed was school, and ran towards it.

"evie!" ted sighed and jogged after her, greta running after the two, it was important that they walked in together. at least to her it was.

for such a small girl, eveline could run really fast, but her companions soon caught up with her when she reached the front gate, where she stopped and stood.

"teddy?" eveline mumbled,

"yes, eveline?"

"im nervous, what if no one likes me?"

ted grabbed ahold of her hand and offered her a squeeze, "c'mon, you got this, everyone will love you,"

whereas eveline was scared nobody would like her at all, ted was scared everyone would like her a little too much.

she wasn't used to most of this, at their old school, she knew everyone, she knew who was nice, she knew would use her and who would hurt her. but here? she was just as clueless as him.

while this was happening, greta was gobsmacked, her older brother just shoved her and called her names, and in a public place he would pretend he wouldn't even know her. their relationship shocked greta, yet eveline's fear astounded her.

'she had to be joking? look at her!' greta thought, her toned legs were showing with her shorts, and her already there breasts were quite obvious in her tank top and don't even mention her face, her pale blonde hair was left down, framing her face perfectly, and the sun seemed to show even more freckles on her pale skin.

greta locked arms with eveline, "c'mon, ill show you around," she dragged eveline into the school, leaving ted behind much to his relief. he could finally have a smoke without his siblings pestering him about cancer and his lungs.

"that's the homeroom you'll most likely be put in, and that's the bathroom and th-" greta stopped talking to glare at a red head who quickly rushed into the girls bathroom at the first sighting of greta.

what did that girl do to make greta so mad at her?

"greta?" she turned back towards eveline.


"what's wrong?" greta seemed conflicted before setting her down on a bench in the hallway,

"that's beverly marsh, the school slut," eveline gasped at her, she knew what that word meant, ted had explained it to her but he told her they were just hookers or the different girls that would scream at him from their porch! that girl seemed like neither of the sorts...

either way, greta seemed to enjoy her reaction, "yeah, she's slept with basically half of the guys in this school, if you even touch her, you get herpes!"

"that's horrible! what are herpes..?" greta rolled her eyes,

"it's a disease, only nasty sluts like marsh have it, it's the reason why no one hangs out with her," greta leaned back smugly, whereas eveline nodded as if she just learned the most fascinating thing in the world.

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