chapter sixteen

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the next morning steven dropped off greta at her house, he had offered to give the boys a ride as well but they denied it, saying that they were going to ride around town for a bit with belch.

once everyone left, eveline was left alone. well not fully, she still had dennis but he barely counted, let alone when he came home last night at 4 am.

it was likely he was doing something illegal, but he was smart, and eveline doubted it was a serious crime, not enough to actually get him in trouble.

he hadn't left his room at all this morning unless you count the 20 seconds it took for him to open the fridge, grab the pickle jar, and go back to his room.

so yeah, eveline was basically alone.

she didn't like being alone, the last time she remembered being alone was when she was at the police station.

after they had detained their father, the police took all the siblings in and interrogated them all. at first as group, then individually.

the cops terrified her, they were talking to her as if she was a deranged murder, threatening her and never taking off their hard demeanor, even when she started to sob and begged for her brothers.

when eveline woke up from her disassociation she decided she didn't like that memory, she quickly shook her head as to shake the memory out of her

this situation wasn't anywhere near that time at the station, though it still made the young blonde uncomfortable.

she quickly decided to call beverly, remembering her promise of a sleepover.

she grabbed the phone book and flipped to the 'm' section, she had tried but failed to remember what greta had said beverly's last name was, so she was just putting beverly's name in front of the different surnames until something clicked.

beverly...macdonald? no.

beverly...mackinnon? no.

beverly...marshall? no.

beverly...marsh? no- wait yeah!

eveline quickly dialed up the number, impatiently waiting for the redhead or one of her family members to pick up the phone.

"hello?" eveline heard a gruff males voice come through the landlines speakers.

"uhm hello mr. marsh? im eveline! im a friend of beverly's and i was wondering if she could hang out today?"

it was silent on the other end for a moment before the man spoke up, "you a girl?"

eveline thought it was an odd question but she answered truthfully, it wasnt that much of a personal question anyways.

"you ever done drugs?"

eveline furrowed her eyebrows, "no?"

"you a virgin?"

now eveline knew that was crossing a line, "what?! sir please excuse my bluntness, but i dont think thats a very appropiate question!"

"just answer the question doll," eveline decided she only liked when patrick called her doll, when he said it she felt loved but this man was just creepy!

she was tempted to just hang up but she really didnt want to be alone, "yes i am! now may beverly please hang out?!" she was flustered and angry, even more so when the man laughed.

"sure thing doll, just gotta make sure my bev isnt hanging around the wrong crowd" eveline glared even though the man couldnt see, she could hear him yell for someone followed by a minute of silence, before someone spoke,

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