chapter four

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greta introduced eveline to her friends, they all seemed to love her, and as more people came to school, the more stares eveline got.

"do i have something on my face?" greta looked at eveline, confused but answered her question regardless.

"no? why?"

"well everyone's staring," greta laughed, which made eveline pout and cross her arms.

"it's not funny!" greta still giggled a bit but she stopped laughing, she wasn't trying to laugh at eveline, well maybe a bit, but meant no harm in it,

"eveline, you're attractive," eveline looked down and blushed,

"what does complimenting me have to do with everyone staring?" greta rolled her eyes again, this girl was lucky she was pretty.

"no one new comes to derry high, expecially no one new who looks like you,"

"oh," greta giggled again and dragged her to the office.

the secretary was an old woman with greying hair and a face like she just ate a lemon, though as soon as eveline talked, she loosened up.

"hello miss! im new to derry high and i was wondering if you had my schedule?" she flashed her award winning smile which would make anyone melt, let alone an old lady who was use to kids yelling and cursing.

"of course dear! eveline, right? eveline payne?" eveline nodded her head and thanked the elder woman when she was handed her schedule, her locker number and combination and a map of the school.

"lemme see!" eveline giggled and handed her schedule to greta, who quickly looked over her classes for today.

"aww man, you've got english first class," eveline smiled,

"i like english!" greta looked at her weird but smiled, letting eveline know that she wasn't judging, "what do you have next?"

greta groaned, "stupid science,"

eveline laughed at her friends reaction, "it can't be that bad, can it?"

greta turned to eveline, "im in there with henry freaking bowers, the first ten, twenty minutes go by fine and then after that it's utter chaos! mr. lambert has to stop the class every five minutes to yell at him for whatever retarded thing he's doing now!"

eveline could get why that would be frustrating but, "who's henry bowers?"

greta seemed to wince, "ah, right. you don't know,"

"know what?"

"well with derry, sure you have the shitty water and crappy people, but the real downside is the bowers gang,"

"derry has a gang?"

"basically! it's this stupid group thats made up of four psycho dickwads! henry bowers, the one who's in my class? he's a fucking nutjob! he cut off amber lynn's pony tail because she wouldn't give him a pen! his dad is the chief of the police station, so they never get in any serious trouble," eveline thought that wasn't right, the police should protect everyone, not just nit pick who gets in trouble!

"then there's patrick hockstetter, when i say he's a fucking psycho, i mean he's fucking psycho! last year josie richardson got with him and she went insane! she tried killing herself or some shit, that's how fucked he is." eveline reminded herself to never get close to him, greta seemed serious when talking about him,

"victor criss is the most tolerable out of them, he's still a fucking douche though like he spat in nancy's water bottle because she gagged when he passed! how could you blame her though when he looks like he hasn't showered in weeks! and belch huggi-"

"his name is belch?! who would name their child belch?!"

"his real names not belch you weirdo, it's just a nickname!" greta laughed,

"you said belch! how was i supposed to know that people just cruelly gave him that name!" evaline defended herself, but laughing as well.

greta seemed to look at the time and curse, "i need to show you where the hell 205 is so i can get to my class," she grabbed her friend's hand and ran through the hallways, which evaline was positive was against the rules but didn't protest, she didn't want to be the reason greta got in trouble!

"ok here's your room, come find me when class ends so i can show you where your next class i-" suddenly the first bell rang, cutting off a wide eyed greta and signaling all students had three more minutes to get to class. "bye!"

evaline opened up classroom door to find everyone staring at her, she started to get a bit anxious but shook off her nerves and gave everyone a smile, which everyone physically melted at unbeknownst to her.

"ah, you must be," the teacher paused to look down at her notes, "eveline?" said girl nodded, "well that's great! would you like to introduce yourself a bit?" eveline again nodded, even though the thought of talking infront of everyone terrified her.

"of course! hi everyone, i'm eveline, as you know," a few kids chuckled, "i came from los angeles, and i like dancing and hanging out with my brothers," she again smiled, and everyone, again, swooned. even the girls who wanted to hate her, couldn't seem to.

the teacher smiled, "welcome to derry, eveline, im miss owens! lucky for you, your table partner is rarely here so it seems you have your own table," evaline smiled and thanked the teacher and moved to the back where the only empty table sat.

the rest of evaline's lessons went almost the same way, greta guiding her there, introducing herself, and having everyone fall in love. whether from admiration, lust or selfishness, everyone tried talking to the new pretty girl.

at the end of the day, eveline met back up with greta, who both set off to look for ted.

greta was about to suggest just leaving it when they both heard the boy yelling. eveline quickly ran over to the sound and almost went in full view of henry flipping bowers before greta pulled her back.

eveline felt like she was gonna cry, she saw ted shoved up against a wall by this jerky jerk with his stupid mullet and terrible clothes! she felt like helping but greta held her still, seeming to know what kind of danger she would put herself in.

"you think you're tough smartass?" the guy shoved ted further into the wall who just chuckled,

"yes i do, to be honest," the boy slammed his fist into ted's face, making eveline struggle again to be let free but to no avail.

ted looked back up at his attacker and grinned, blood from his nose dripping down into his smile, the other boy was about to pull back his fist when he noticed something reflect the light from his side.

"what's with the faggy ear piercing?"

"girls like to play with something while you fuck them," the jerk stared at ted's grinning face for a bit before laughing and letting him go,

"you're funny, i like that," his cronies seemed to look at him like he's gone insane, but didn't comment, afraid of getting their ass beat instead. ted tried to get out the wrinkles on his shirt and looked up at him.


"you wanna hang? we're planning on going down to my place, shooting a couple bottles,"

ted grinned and nodded, pulling out his pack of smokes and looking at them, "anyone gotta light?"

a tall, lanky boy smirked and pulled out a zippo lighter, quickly pulling out his own smoke and lighting that first, before tossing it to ted.

they all pulled out their own smokes and took turns lighting, eveline peeked around the corner again to see why it got quiet.

"teddy!" she screamed, much to the surprise of the boys and to the annoyance of greta, who had tried to cover her mouth to stop her from making them both seen,


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