chapter six

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the next day, greta had walked only eveline to school as ted had gotten a ride from his new friends.

of course, he offered her a ride, a ride the boys were happy to offer her too for other reasons, but she had rejected, she didn't want to betray greta like that, ditching their walk for a ride in a truck full of boys she hated wasn't a very good friend thing to do,

what made the day even worse was that greta had to help her dad pick up some shipments so she couldn't walk home with eveline!

once they had gotten to school, greta told eveline she had to do something and told her to wait for her in the bathroom, which she happily did.

greta had told her no one ever went to this bathroom this early so when the door opened, eveline had expected it to be her friend, instead it was the same red head girl greta seemed to hate.

"if greta comes in, tell them im not here!" the girl, beverly she thinks, went to hold her shoulders but eveline quickly backed away. beverly looked at her hurt and eveline almost regretted her actions, she didn't mean to offend her, she just didn't want to get herpes and make everyone hate her! she decided to tell the girl as such but it didn't seem to help her mood as her scowl only deepened.

"really? i thought you were supposed to be sweet and stuff," beverly scoffed

"im really sorry! i don't want to hurt you but ive only really got one friend here and if i get herpes i don't think sh-"

"i don't have herpes dickhead! and even if i did you can't get them from simply touching me!" beverly's scowl confuse eveline even further

"but greta sa-"

"greta's a stupid bitch who doesn't know what she's talking about! the only way you can get herpes is if you fuck someone,"

"oh," before eveline could continue her thought, the door handle started to turn and beverly ran into one of the stalls before it fully opened, revealing greta, ava heffley and mackenzie lodge, who eveline previously met the day before.

"oh shit, evie! did you see a red head come in here? the one we talked about yesterday?" greta smiled at eveline and grabbed her hands.

eveline felt comforted but she didn't want to rat out beverly if greta thought she was a terrible person. she remembered beverly saying greta didn't know what she was talking about, did that mean she was misinformed?

maybe beverly keeps trying to tell greta what's happening but greta doesn't believe it's real and that beverly just wants to infect her with herpes! maybe she'd listen to eveline?

"greta, did you know that you can't actually get herpes from touching someone! you have to have sex to get it!" eveline grinned at greta like she just told her the most fascinating thing in the world, who just raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"where'd you hear that?"

"i umm," where do you get information from? think! "a book? dennis gave me a book to read and i found it interesting since yesterday you told me th-"

"it must've been written by a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about," huh? how can she just brush it off like that?


greta smirked, "yeah, my dad told me that you can get it from touching someone, and he would know that!" eveline remembered greta talking about her dad and his profession, he would indeed know that.

suddenly mackenzie speaks up, "so? did you see the slut?" eveline had to think fast, she didn't think greta would hurt beverly, but she doesn't think they're trying to help either, but greta's her friend and she can't lie to friends!

"nope, no ones came in here," greta cursed and they all walked out, after a few minutes, beverly slowly sneaking out of her stall.

"thats utter bullshit," she scoffed, eveline decided to ignore beverly's use of words and just jump straight to the questions.

"what is?"

"it's obvious you can't get any desease from touching people, i mean how would the germs get outside your body and survive long enough to get to another person's body and wait until they touch themselves or something," eveline thought for a bit.

"maybe they're waiting til they eat, so they can get in through the mouth, like the flu!"

"then you'd have the herpes on your mouth, not on your dick," eveline decided to not comment on the fact that they in fact, did not have dicks.

"so if i touch you, i won't get herpes?"

beverly rolled her eyes and pulled out a cigarette pack, "no dumbass, and i don't have herpes!"

eveline knew cigarettes helped with stress and beverly did look quite stressed, so she didn't try to remove the stick when beverly put it inbetween her lips and lit it, instead just ask more questions, "but you get it through sex?" beverly nodded,

"so does that mean you would have it?" beverly paused and pulled away her cigarette to take a deep. lord give her the power to not smack this girl.

"even if i have had sex, which i haven't, that doesn't automatically mean id have herpes, you can sleep with a hundred guys and not get herpes or you can sleep with one guy and get it, it just matters whether or not the dudes youre with has herpes,"

eveline went silent, which beverly greatly appreciated at first before she heard soft sobs from beside her.

beverly quickly looked at eveline and noticed her shoulders shaking and her head down, her hands covering her face,

beverly didn't exactly know what to do, she thought the girl didn't want her to touch her, until she opened her mouth.

"heyy, it's o-" eveline quickly hugs beverly, sobbing into her shirt.

"im sorry!" beverly would've smiled at the girl wailing, but she understood that now was not the time.

"it's alright, you didn't know i guess?" beverly awkwardly patted her head, who seemed to have a switch,

"ive got an idea! maybe you can come to my house on friday? stephen can make food and maybe we can play on teddy's nitendo consol! i don't know what dennis will do but still! my bedroom's not really unpacked but im sure if we need something we can find it! we might even be able to take the tv into my room!" to say beverly was shocked was an understatement, this is the same girl that refused to touch her ten minutes ago.

"umm..." eveline seemed to notice her hesitation, and shook her hands in a 'dont worry' matter.

"it's no problem if you dont! im not forcing you! i just wanted to make a bit more friends and you seem nice!" eveline smiled at beverly and she couldn't help it.

beverly next found herself agreeing to sleep over at eveline's house, causing the girl to squeal and hug beverly,

"you better find a better hiding spot though, i don't think greta won't notice a stall close and locked again," beverly smiled at eveline's warning. maybe she wasn't too bad

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