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Days turned into hours, or even less when they were together. Snape's suspicion grew even more, his threats becoming more alarming and frightening. But, they always found a way to stay together. To practice together and to laugh at his terrible jokes. She always found a way to sneak in his common room and read to him, or to wake him up and take him to the Astronomy tower and make him gaze at the stars with her.

They hid behind shelves of books in the library, running off when Astera flicked her wand and made books fall in front of Snape when he thought he had caught them. Draco sent her letters with his owl, sometimes a few times a day when Astera was too tired or not in the mood to leave the comfort of her couch.

But, today she had waited for him at the Astronomy tower for a solid hour, and there wasn't a sight of him. She waited as if her life depended on it, hoping he'd come up at any second with an excuse that would anger her but still forgive him. Instead, Draco sat alone in his common room, a letter from his mother in his hand as three dots of tears stained the parchment. His eyes kept rereading the words, recognizing her writing and her perfect cursive unlike his. Her small signature at the bottom of the parchment, and even the slight scent of her smell she left on it.

Draco, my love

I am so sorry for not writing sooner, or writing at all. My freedom was restricted and I couldn't go a day without someone breathing down my neck. I've found a moment right now to write to you.

How are you, Draco? Have you been eating, resting? Please, take care of yourself.

I know it has been difficult for you these weeks. This isn't the Christmas I imagined for you this year, or the Christmas you deserve. I hope you found at least a second of happiness during these times.

Be hopeful, Draco. You were always the one in my life who hoped for better, now be that person for yourself.

I have to end this soon, I think someone might be coming. Draco, the Manor still isn't as safe as I want it to be for you. I'm not sure when, but you will come home soon. I promise you.

Mum loves you, Draco.

Hold on to that bit of happiness.

He rubbed his eyes, drying away his tears. He wished to write back but knew he would be putting her in danger. If someone found out Narcissa Malfoy wrote to her son during these times - well, he didn't want to think about the consequences. He wished to hug his mother, to assure her that he ate, slept and found his second of happiness.

Second of happiness... Astera!

Draco jumped up. He had forgotten all about meeting her there. He forgot about his agreement to watch the stars with her. And he was an hour late. How did he waste an hour reading a letter? Probably because he reread it so much he could now recite it. Draco frantically ran around the castle, up and down stairs, his feet making noise as he quickened his pace.

A sigh left the girl's lips, her eyes heavy as sleep threatened to taker her away. She yawned as she looked at the stars on her own, covering her mouth. Her ears registered a sound, footsteps coming closer. Turning around, Draco had just come up the last stair, out of breath and shaken up.

"Draco?" she looked at him, her forehead creased. Something was wrong. Something shook him up and he wasn't himself, "Draco, what happened?"

"I'm sorry, Lilith. I'm sorry I kept you waiting, I just-"

He was frantic, fearing he would anger her and lose her, watch her slip through his fingers. It was a small thing; he was just late, but he feared even his smallest mistake.

a christmas break | draco malfoy - 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now