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The music played calmly behind Draco and Astera, sort of like background music to a film. The two talked quietly as they sat on old chairs  next to the record player, the room seeming big now that it was just theirs. They were like two old friends catching up, instead they knew nothing about one another.

The clock had turned to 1 am, not caring that the students were past their bed time.

"So, who did you go with? To the ball, I mean." Asked Astera, twirling the fabric in her fingers. Draco sat opposite her, his leg on his opposite knee.

"I'm not sure, actually," he laughed, making her join in, "But, I don't remember much about those years either. They're all a bit of a blur."

Astera nodded, "Yeah, I, erm... I don't remember much of my life either. Especially all the things that happened before and after my parents passed."

Draco's mind drifted to his mistake on that day, the guilt making him trip over his words and almost shutting him up, "How did you deal with it?"

He asked in hopes of an answer. He knew one day his parents would be gone. His mother would be gone and he wouldn't know how to live, breathe, even see without her.

"I didn't. I still haven't," Astera confessed, turning down his hopes, "When I heard the news that they died I just... I didn't know how hard I'd been crying until I felt my chest tighten."

She had a panic attack, almost a heart attack. She was just a child who didn't deserve the fate she had been given. For a 12 year old, that was the end of the world.

"I don't think you ever get over it really, Draco. And in a way that's okay," she said, "Because, when you get over a death, in a way you forget them. And forgetting someone that had passed, is the cruelest thing you could do."

Draco nodded mechanically, her words melting into him. She could recite the most boring of sentences or cast evil spells his way, yet he will always find comfort in her voice.
The same way he found comfort in his mother. Her voice as well as her embrace. When he held her during their dance was the most embraced he felt the whole year.

"I know it isn't much," he said, turning his head to the room, "All of this, you know... But I guess you had your first ball."

"It was great. Really."

"Well, not that you're used to luxury, I'm sure." Draco said, a sly smirk on his lips. She furrowed her brows, crossing her leg.

"Not that it matters, Malfoy, but I come from a family wealthier than yours. So yes, I am used to luxury," She said confidently, tearing his confidence down quickly as well as the smile on his face, "But, I've also learned to be humble about it."

Draco mocked her, grimacing his face and reminding her of a bratty child. She only scoffed with a smile, turning in her chair to look through the records. As Draco was speaking nonsense, she felt her eyes widen and her heart jump.

She stood from her stool, ultimately shutting Draco up as she placed it on the player with her gentle fingers. Draco looked at her curiously.

"What is this rubbish?"

She ignored his comment, "You can't tell me you don't know it!"

Draco shook his head, getting up and reading it from the cover, "Solider, Poet, King..." he murmured, his mouth doing his signature frown.

"Come, you have to dance with me," Astera's fingers hooked onto his, dragging him to the centre of the room, "Just follow me."

He let her guide his hand on her waist, following her feet, "Don't think too much of it. It's what makes the dance so special."

"How do you remember this?" he asked through the music.

"My parents used to take me to these pubs where they always played this song. I learned from there."

Draco watched how she moved so swiftly, so freely and happily. Her hand left his as she let herself dance to the part of the song where it was a solo. Draco felt a smile rise on his lips, watching her dress twirl and her feet move in her flats.

"Come on!"

He gave in to her smile, following her way. Draco let out laughs as she danced along with him, holding each other's hands.
In that moment, Draco had never felt so happy. So full, and yet, so empty with a longing for what she had; happiness. He watched how her hair bounced as she jumped, reminding him of how his heart did the same whenever she tugged at his arm.

Her eyes were smiling, an emotion Draco hadn't seen before, much less feel. She held glimmers and stars in her eyes, sparkling and reflecting themselves in Draco's ice like eyes. When the two heard the song end, Astera droped her arms by her side, pushing a strand of hair away from her face. Draco's empty hands felt cold again, his skin longing for her silky touch again.

"I haven't heard the song in years," she said, feeling the heat in her body radiate around her.

"Obviously. You behaved like a psychotic monkey," Draco murmured, a sly smirk on his face making her want to slap it off.

She hated his moods, and how he went hot one minute and cold the next. Though she'd never admit it, his words sometimes stung, reminding her of the way Slytherins usually were. It resurfaced memories from her second year, all to know, even remembering Neville's sad eyes from across the room.

"At least one of us has a soul, Malfoy."

She turned around, soothing her dress as she walked away from him. It felt inevitable for them to enjoy themselves and then end it in argument. Draco had to keep her at distance, though his body and mind told, begged, for him to do otherwise. His intentions weren't to hurt her with his actions, but hers were. I mean, she defended herself from his remarks. What else did he expect?

"You know, Lilith, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were a muggle who got on the wrong train."

Astera turned around harshly, not expecting him to be right in front of her when she faced him, almost bumping into his chest, "If you called me here just to remind me of your hatred towards muggles and Muggleborns, I'll be on my way."

She eyed him one last time, hoping to find any other emotion rather than hatred and anger. She felt her heart drop when she saw nothing, turning to leave. Her eyes stung with thin tears of anger, raging her due to Draco's personality.

"Oh, yeah, walk away like you always do!" he called out after her.

Her anger rose even more, "Well, you always leave me no choice!"

Her hand shot towards him as she spoke. Draco's eyes widened, feeling a force push him into a wall. The green spell that left her fingertips burnt her slightly, making her retrace her hand back and hug it close to her chest. His body fell to the hard and cold floors, making his head bang against a column.

"Bloody hell..."

thank you to those who've added "a christmas break" to your reading lists!! it means so much.

a christmas break | draco malfoy - 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now