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The night grew old and cold, yet the young girl was still up. Her eyes stung and her legs almost gave up. But she didn't. Her hair, what used to be a nice ponytail, was now a messy bird's nest on the top of her head.

She huffed out, wiping her forehead with the back of of her palm. Looking at her work, she was satisfied, but due to her hardworking nature, she knew it could be better.

The Ravenclaw common room and dormitories were spotless. Every object was thoroughly clean and back in its place. There was no such thing as dust on the nightstands or opened books on the stairs. The fireplace was almost burning the side of her face as she was on her knees, scrubbing the last place on the wooden floors.

Her body gave up, and slowly, she fell on her back in front of the fireplace. The bucket of water next to her as well as the cold rag in her hands was starting to warm up. Without a notice, she closed her eyes, letting the rag fall down next to her and curled up on the rug in front of the warm fire.


The sun came by a little too early for her liking, but embraced it nonetheless. She didn't have to wear her uniform anymore, so she grabbed what she could find in the chest in front of her bed and slipped it on. A warm sweater and a pair of baggy jeans. They were probably the only pair she owned.

Heading down to the girl's lavatory, she passed the sleeping portraits and pictures. It was still too early for them. As the water came in contact with her palms, she splashed it in her face, waking herself up.

"Oh, you're here!"

Astera's face lit up, turning around and facing the overly-friendly and slightly obnoxious ghost.

"Good morning, Myrtle." she replied back, turning to the stained mirrors and starting to put her hair up, "How are you?"

Myrtle adored Astera. She was the only person that treated her like she was something more than just a sad ghost. The two spent more time together after Astera discovered her a few days after she arrived in Hogwarts in her first year. They even played chess.

"Much better than last night." she slightly whined, flying over and around Astera.

"Oh? What happened last night?" Asked the girl, walking over to sit on the little stair on the cold tiles.

Myrtle had a sad look on her face. She whined before she spoke, even cried a little, "That evil wizard again!"

Evil wizard? Who was she talking about?

"He came in, thinking he could just throw his things at me and yell at me like I'm nothing!" Myrtle was screaming at this point. Astera's face was a little confused yet calm and collected.

Was she talking about a professor? Or... A student? No, it couldn't be. Everyone was gone.

"Who was it, Myrtle? Who did that to you?" Asked Astera, her eyes following the flying ghost. She had her arms on her knees, holding her head in her palms.

"That boy! That evil blond boy!"

Boy...? Am I not the only one here?

Astera stood up, walking towards Myrtle, who sadly lowered herself to the ground, her head hanging down.

"Myrtle, no one has the right to do that to you." said Astera, her fingers fiddling with one another, "Next time, just overflow the lavatory. Hopefully it will scare him off."

Myrtle mustered up a small smile, nodding her head. Her spirit came up and she flew over Astera, already much happier than before.

As Astera was about to leave, she stopped at the door, "Are we playing chess tonight?"

"Of course!"

The girl left the lavatory, making her way to the Great Hall in hopes of finding some food. She entered, smiling as she found her plate of food in her seat.

"Good morning, Miss Lilith."

"Good morning, Headmaster," she said, sitting down on the wooden bench, "How are you?"

"All well, Miss Lilith. And you?" Dumbledore said, his smile not being able to contain itself in the presence of his student.

"All well, sir."

The two were joined by Professor Snape and soon enough Hagrid.

She waved at Hagrid who happily waved back and gave a silent look to her Professor. Her ears picked up a slight whisper between Dumbledore and Snape, yet ignored it, knowing it wasn't any of her business.

"Headmaster?" she spoke up, looking up from her plate.

"Yes, Miss Lilith?" he replied back, looking down at her.

"Has anyone else stayed behind this year?" she asked, the situation with Myrtle coming back to her.

"Not that I know of. If there were, they'd know to join us here." said Dumbledore, holding his spoon in his hand as he shook his head.

Her eyes averted to Snape, a look of something in his eyes. She couldn't make it up. Was he hiding something? Was he hiding... Someone?

a christmas break | draco malfoy - 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now