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Astera held the letter in her hands, scanning the words carefully as she took in his writing, almost being able too see him fighting a battle behind his writing.

She sighed, looking up at Pansy, "So, you've just been spying on me? Both of you?"

Blaise raised his hand, leaning over on the table, "Not spying. Besides, he asked us to. If I didn't comply, I'd be dead by now."

Astera raised a brow at him, "Okay, and how is that my problem, Zabini?"

Pansy snorted, looking at Blaise with a smile. She returned her eyes to Astera, giving her an approving nod before turning serious again.

"Look, don't get mad at him. If it were you in his place, you would've done the same, right?" Pansy knew her answer when she stayed quiet, biting her cheek as she slightly lowered her head, "Exactly. So don't go around blaming us or him. As for what he wrote... I think it's better to be honest with him."

"Honest?" she asked, almost a little too loud and lowered her voice when a person passing by looked at her weirdly, "How can I be honest when all he ever did was lie to me, Pansy? I don't know how I can trust him anymore."

"You trust me?"

She looked at the black haired girl before her, then Blaise and then back at her, "I think so. Yes."

"Then trust him, too. You might not believe me, but there isn't anything more he values than honesty. And you, of course."

She blushed slightly at her last words, huffing out air and nodding, "Fine. I'll give you the letter tonight."

"Three o'clock, at the Astronomy Tower. Deal?" Blaise asked.



During the late hours of the night, Astera made her way back into the library, using a small candle for light and her wand beside her. She stared at the quill in her left hand and the blank piece of parchment in front of her. How should she start? What should she say?

She sighed, trying to ignore the pit in her stomach and leaned forward, dipping the quill in her ink and somehow starting.


You have questions and suspicions, and I understand your worry. Truthfully speaking, I don't know where to begin or how long this letter will be. I'm sorry if it turns out to become a whole essay. Usually when I start writing, I can't seem to stop. Contrary to when I speak.

You're mother told you the truth. I am a Pureblood. My family, Lilith, comes from generations of Pureblood witches and wizards, and as your mother told you, known for being a family with members possessing different traits of the Hogwarts houses.

I guess I could start with my parents. As far as you know, they died a few years ago. My mother was a Slytherin and my father was a Hufflepuff. An interesting duo, right?
They met the day my father was with his friends and heard Slytherins in the Great Hall making noise. Curious, he went to look and saw them celebrating a birthday of a student. My mother's birthday.

Like the Hufflepuff he was, my father excitedly went over and said it was his birthday as well. At first, my mother wasn't as interested in his attempts at befriending her. Does it seem familiar?

a christmas break | draco malfoy - 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now