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It was night and it was cold. Draco was fast asleep in his bed, the castle was quiet and the halls empty. Tomorrow would be the last day Draco would be able to hold her hand in the halls, or look at her during lunch.

But as he slept with those thoughts aside, Astera had the hood of her robe up, sneakily running around the castle and to Hagrid's hut. She was creepily quiet and her shoes barely made noise as she stepped on her toes. Once she made it out, she jumped the rock steps and ran down the hill. The fire inside Hagrid's lamp was burning bright, casting shadows around his face. His face lit up as he saw the small girl approach him, her figure becoming bigger with each step.

"Hey, Hagrid," she breathed out, a smile on her face while she watched Buckbeak.

"You ready?" he asked and recieved an eager nod. Astera took her robe off, handing it to Hagrid, "Right, well you know what to do."

She took a deep breath, the quiet surrounding her, making her feel as if she was levitating. She slowly bowed, her eyes staring at the ground that could barely be seen. A noise came out of the creature, assuring her to come closer. Her head rose up, taking slow steps towards Buckbeak. Her hand, gradually, touched the creature and stroked it's feathers.

Hagrid quietly laughed, pleased by her approach, "Alrighty, then," he picked her up, just like he did Harry, "Hold on tight."

Her fingers held onto him tightly, careful not to pick out a feather. His wings spread out as he ran at a slow pace. She felt a scream bubble inside her as he took off, her smile growing at a fast pace. Her hair flew back behind her as her face got hit with a wave of clear and clean air. Her cheeks were red from the cold as well as her nose. The laughs that erupted from her stomach were heard all the way down to Hagrid as he kept a close watch on her.

He tisked with a shake of his head and a smile, "Stubborn kid."

Astera eyes couldn't believe the stars in the sky and how the moon seemed bigger than it did on the ground. Her fingers released their grip on the creatures neck, letting her arms spread just like Buck's wings. She watched their reflection in the water as the flew by. He flew her around the castle as she held her hand over her mouth in order not to make noise.

She felt her stomach drop as Buckbeak fastened his pace and flew faster, a loud laugh coming out of her. She didn't think much of it, but whilst Astera was flying in a sea of stars cascading around her, Draco's ears picked up a sound. Her sound and a flap of wings. It wasn't the first time the night woke him up, but this definitely was a first.

His feet dragged him towards the window and his eyes squinted, not really believing themselves. His brain couldn't make out the fact that a girl, his girl, was flying in the sky on a creature that nearly "killed" him three years ago.

"What the..." he watched as she jumped off its back, getting her robe and running back into the castle. He questioned whether or not to look for her, but he wasn't as good as her when it came to lurking around in the night. So, with a heavy heart, he left it at that.

But Draco would get his answer, one way or another.


"Reducto!" she yelled out in frustration, covering her face with her hands when it didn't work. An angry groan left her lips as she paced around, books open around her placed on anything she could find.

"I think you're forcing it," Draco said and got a glare scarier than his father's. He zipped his mouth, watching her bite her lip in frustration as she flipped the pages of the book, "Try an easier spell."

a christmas break | draco malfoy - 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now