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The snow was piling up even more. It only kept falling and falling without a thought to stop. She had her coat on, boots, house scarf and warm gloves on. The snow beneath her crunched and left trails behind her as she walked around the open area.

The thought of the blond boy didn't seem to leave her mind. Even as she played with the snow in her hands and flicked her wand to make it move, it wasn't a good enough distraction.

She had been with different students during the holidays but her presence went unnoticed. She wasn't very social, you see. It was much easier to bury her nose in a book and go under the covers most days. Sure, she spoke, but only when spoken to.

She envied the three best friends. She wished to have a friendship like theirs but that was only a rare thing or a work of fiction.

As the snow became a bit cold for her to bare, she went back inside. She left her coat and things in her dorm, passing by the other house's dorm and feeling sad that she couldn't enter. She wanted to prepare a surprise for each house, yet all were protected with something.

Every year, she prepared something for her fellow Ravenclaws, deciding to remain anonymous. She enjoyed being a little Santa to them. Especially the first years.

The dust on the portraits didn't go unnoticed. She decided to clean them up a bit as well, being very gentle as to not anger them or make them feel endangered. Most of them held conversations with her and thanked her while others were a little rude.

Satisfied with her work, she flicked her wand, the rag disappearing. Continuing her walk around the castle, she went in the library. Oh, what a mess that was. Books everywhere, parchment and feathers...

Do these people not know to pick up by themselves?

The pile of parchment was now in a small pile, each organized and sectioned. As she carried the heavy books in her hands, she wiped the shelves, the white rag becoming almost black.

As she pushed each book back in its place, her ears picked up noise. Her ears perked up, her arm dropping to her side.

It took her a little to understand whose eyes she was staring at. They were colder than the common rooms in the morning when the fire went out. Or colder than the tiles in the lavatory.

"You... What are you here for?" She asked, the wet and cold rag in her hand.

"I could ask you the same, Lilith."

His body was tall as his hands were folded behind his back. His blond hair was slicked back neatly, almost too neat.

"It's Astera for you, Malfoy." she sneered back, turning around and disappearing in the many rows of books.

Malfoy scoffed,walking behind her, "Why would I take orders from a mudblood?"

Her quick turn on her heel surprised him, making him take a step back and stumble into a shelf.

"Better to watch yourself around me, Malfoy." she retorted back, her wand ready in her hand, "I don't do well with people like you."

Draco laughed, slightly disappointed he didn't get a reaction he was hoping for, "Do you honestly think I would get along with you? Don't flatter yourself. A low life like you has no purpose for me."

"Good," she stared in his eyes one last time, "Because monsters like you have no purpose for me."

The words left her mouth nicely, and luckily in a smooth way. Astera almost despised Draco. Especially since he almost got Buckbeak killed. She was a lover of creatures and plants and seeing one almost get killed, stung a bit.

But even without that, he always rubbed her in the wrong way. He had an energy to him that made her want to flick her wand and hopefully set him to flames. But she was too calm for that, too composed.

She left the library, walking the halls on her own. One thing she enjoyed was waving her wand and making unexpected things. Usually she made wreaths and decorated. They were left there until the holidays were over and students always adored them.

Her head almost bumped into the person in front of her, her wand falling out of her hand as she looked up in surprise.

"Headmaster," she spoke, "I'm so sorry, I-"

"It's all right, Miss Lilith," he chuckled, "Are you alright? You seem quite startled."

Astera sighed, picking her wand up, "I saw someone in the library. Did you know there was another student here, sir?"

"Well, no, I did not."

The two walked together, side by side. Dumbledore towered over Astera as he walked with her, lowering his head a few times due to the nature of her quiet speaking.

"It's Draco Malfoy, sir."

a christmas break | draco malfoy - 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now