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Astera walked in the courtyard on her own, hoping to get some fresh air before her last class this week. She stuffed her hands into her pockets as it was still a bit chilly to be walking around without a jacket and a scarf. Students grouped themselves and sat on nearby benches or stood under columns, talking and chatting amongst themselves.

She had seen Elle and Luna at breakfast, had three classes with Harry, Hermione and Ron, and now was left on her own to suffer her last class. She had made note to start walking towards the halls much earlier, considering that she had almost been late a couple of times. That was not really in her nature.

Her ears picked up different conversations as she made her way to a lonely bench close to the entrance of the halls, crossing her leg over the other and propping her arms on her knee. Out of the corner of her eye, a group of Slytherin students made their way into the courtyard, loudly laughing and talking.

A girl with black hair, famously known as Pansy Parkinson was stood between Blaise Zabini and Goyle, behind them a few other students following put. Astera didn't mean to stare, but Slytherins had an alluring aura; they were impossible not to look at. Somehow, Pansy always looked good, elegant even when she wore the school's uniform, as well as Blaise and the boys behind them.

Not wanting to get herself into trouble with them, she looked away, casting her eyes upon another group that consisted of two Hufflepuffs and a Gryffindor. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, but Astera couldn't help but find it difficult to drown out the whispers in her head, the buzz that made sure she knew war was coming. It made her anxious, claustrophobic even as she merely registered that thought in her head.

A laugh broke her out of her thoughts, as Pansy leaned against a tree, her smile looking rather fresh and glimmering in Astera's eyes. Her eyes followed Pansy's as a tall student walked up towards them. His blonde hair was neat against his head, his hands in the pockets of his robe and his chin up, his intimidating look making a third year trip over themselves in attempt to get out of his way.

Her expression remained cold, unbothered even as if she was seeing him for the first time. He didn't dare look her way, as he had already seen her when he took the last step and entered the courtyard. It took every cell in his body to refrain himself from walking up to her, to get her to be angry and speak up to him. He only wished to hear her voice again.

"Wow, you look terrible," Astera managed to hear Pansy say, looking in the other direction to not seem suspicious, "Where's your girl from last night?"

Astera's eyes looked down at her shoes, her chest rising up and down much quickly at the words she had just heard. But, then again, what did she expect? Draco wouldn't remain loyal to someone he had cut ties with. Besides, the two weren't ever official, or together.

"Cut it off," she heard him say harshly and threatening even, pushing past the two other boys that had followed Pansy and her friends, "Where's your boy from last night? Oh, yeah, you could barely even walk from how drunk you were."

"Shut it, Draco, you weren't better."

"Wasn't I? Because I don't recall myself leaving the party with two guys."

Astera couldn't help but quietly snort at their conversation, using her hand to cover her mouth and letting her hair cover the side of her face, acting as if she was just resting her face on her palm. Draco wasn't blind, he had seen her reaction but made no effort to let her know. Even when Blaise followed Draco's short gaze, the blond boy took his attention back, away from her.


"Oh, and then you just pull it?" Asked Astera and Hermione nodded, showing her the rules.

a christmas break | draco malfoy - 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now