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"May I ask you something?"


She rolled her eyes at his remark, shrugging it off, "Why did you throw things at Myrtle?"

Draco looked up from his lap, a frightening look in his eyes. For Astera, it felt like she saw a storm in there. Waves crashing into each other and taking ships down with them.
She probably crossed a line. As much as she didn't show it, she had a slight fear of Draco, especially from that night. She was certain she wouldn't be letting him close to her any time soon.

He contemplated. Astera didn't seem trustworthy, yet seemed like the perfect person to talk to. She was quiet, lonely and brave enough to choose to sit opposite him in the Great Hall. Though, they were alone, Draco felt like the walls had ears. Like they were watching his every move.

"Does that ghost ever shut up?" he sneered, putting his elbows on the table, "And what're you to her? Her mommy?"

Astera cocked her head, rolling her eyes and opening her mouth to speak, "Unlike you, I actually treat her like a person. I'm guessing no one has tried treating you like one so you wouldn't know."

Dammit, she cursed herself. Her awful habit of speaking too quick had come out yet again, ruining the situation. She bit the inside of her cheek, waiting for his response.

Draco opened his mouth, an evil smile on his face. A scoff left his mouth and he pushed himself up, getting away from her as far as possible. He left the Great Hall, and therefore, left her.

Astera put her arms on the table, plopping her head on them and cursing herself. Draco roamed the halls, aggressive strides taking him outside.

The fire in his body was strong and burning. He felt the need to let it out but how could he? There wasn't a way to. He had no outlet. He pictured himself letting it out, yet the first thing that came to mind was Astera.

Draco saw himself with her. His eyes snapped open, looking around and asking himself if he was sane, normal. Was he ill?

Astera took her book, climbing the stairs to the tall tower of the Ravenclaw common room. She walked inside, sitting herself on the couch.

"Stupid," she hit herself with a pillow, "How dumb could you be?"

As she spoke to herself, she walked to the tall windows, looking out to the Forbidden Forest. The Ravenclaws were blessed with the most gorgeous views out of all the students. Especially since they are one of the highest towers. She watched birds fly past her, the calm waters in front of the castle and the falling snow

Draco sat himself under a tree, his knees close to his chest. And there was that word again, monster, monster, monster.

How could she be so cruel? So mean? Draco questioned, forgetting that he was also like that. He was cruel and mean. He was reckless and fueled by rage. The tears stung his eyes, slowly feeling them fall down his cold cheeks. He was so unhealthy that his cheeks no longer turned red by the cold. His body didn't try to heat itself up anymore. He leaned his head back against the tree, exhaling as his chest no longer felt as heavy. He didn't even understand why the tears formed in his eyes.

Astera bit the inside of her cheek, finally deciding to be a better person and apologise. She grabbed her coat, almost throwing herself down the stairs of the castle. She threw her wand in her pocket, cautious of Draco's rage. An apology might even tick him wrong.

She ran outside, searching for him. Her legs took her to the lake. She felt as if a rock was thrown in her chest as she saw that same dark figure. He didn't hear her heavy breaths, or maybe chose not to. She was light on her feet as she approached him, her hand in the pocket where her wand stayed.

"Get away from me, Lilith." his words were harsh, cutting through the cold wind and snowflakes. His arms were on his knees, holding his wand with ringed fingers.

"Haven't you noticed that I never listen to you?" she said, standing in front of him. She looked down on him, a hint of fear overwhelming her body.

"You should start," he opened his eyes, his forehead creasing, a disgusted look on his face, "I don't want a mudblood like you in front of me."

"Be as harsh as you want, Malfoy, I came here to say something and I will," she bent her knees, coming to eye level with him, "I, uh... I'm sorry for what I said."

Draco stared back, his eyes raking over every inch of her face. She felt self conscious, moving her face away and letting her hair get in the way. He raised his wand, his facial expression slowly softening. The tip of his wand pushed back her hair, her locks twirling around the wood. She blinked, following his movement and turning her head. Her red lips parted, locking eyes with him. Draco lowered his hand, letting it rest against his knee again. His head motioned to the spot next to him.

He was better with actions than words. She saw that. She saw him trying even when he didn't know he was trying. Her feet moved her next to him, sitting herself down on the snow, pushing her coat under herself for a little warmth. The two stared out toward the calm waters, not a single word coming out of them.

Draco's eyes felt heavy, his head leaning back once again. His cold fingertips dropped his wand by his side, exhaling once more. Astera noticed his state. He was tired. The sleep was taking over him quickly. As his head fell to the side, she widened her eyes, moving quick. His head fell to her shoulder, a soft snore escaping his lips. Astera sighed, glad she didn't let him fall.

"Sleep well, Draco."

a christmas break | draco malfoy - 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now