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Each night seemed to grow longer and longer. The dark circles under Draco's eyes were growing like the night, becoming darker and darker. He laid in bed, motionless with the covers up to his neck. His eyes stung as he stared at the ceiling above him, images moving in front of him.

His mind recalled his mother's touch. Her sweet voice and her gentle hums. Each night, he silently wept, hoping that one day he could lay his head in her lap and finally sleep. That day hadn't come. And soon, he wasn't sure it would ever come.

Though he was restless, he was starving and thirsty. But, since his presence was no longer a secret, he decided to join in on breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snape kept his secret, swearing to protect Draco on his life. And if needed, to kill for him as well.

Draco's body had gone stiff, and soon enough, the sun rose. From the way the shadows were cast in the room, he realized it was now 6, maybe 7 in the morning.

His pale skin got covered with a sweater and his legs with pants. He tied the laces on his shoes and combed back his messy hair. He stared at the frightening image of himself in the reflection, wanting nothing more than to punch the mirror.

Tired, he made his way to the Great Hall. He was scared. What if Snape reacted in a certain way? What if he recieved a punishment?

Those trembling thoughts came to an end as he entered, his grey eyes noticing the student in her seat. Her hair was pulled back with a hair clip and her bangs fell over her forehead. Her body was covered with the same clothes from before and her legs were crossed under the table.

"Mister Malfoy, good morning." The Headmaster spoke, making Astera flinch.

She turned her head, eyeing him up and down silently and looking away when done. Her thoughts were empty as she remembered what had happened. When he passed behind her, her back shivered and his chest felt pressed against her still.

Draco responded quietly, finding his plate and sitting down. He tried not to, but his eyes locked with Snape. The man was furious with him, yet, luckily, very calm about it on the outside. Their silent interaction didn't go unnoticed by Astera as she quietly drank her tea, acting as if she was merely staring in the distance.


"Shouldn't there be a law against that? If there isn't, I'd definitely be the first to support it."

"You and me both, Astera."

The girl stood next to Hagrid as the two fed Buckbeak. She adored the creature as she did all, wanting nothing more than to be able to fly it.

"Do you think it'll let me ride it?" she asked, gently stroking the creature.

"Well, it's different for everyone you see," said Hagrid, "Right now it trusts you, but it senses something off you."

She knit her brows, looking up at him through her bangs, "What'd you mean, Hagrid?"

"Maybe it senses your fear."

Astera looked back at the creature, her hand on it's neck as she felt its pulse.

"But, I'm not scared of Buckbeak. Or any other creature. You know that." she said, not sure what Hagrid meant.

"What if you're scared of flying?"

"Well, then I won't be able to conquer it if I don't get to fly with Buckbeak."

Hagrid laughed, patting her head gently. She was always very ambitious . Even if that meant conquering her fear. Hagrid knew Astera never left for the holidays and he enjoyed her company. She was always in the mood to learn something off him or to simply sit in his home and drink warm tea.

"I heard the Malfoy kid is here. Is that true?" he asked, walking to his front door to enter.

Asters followed behind, "Unfortunately. And I had to be the one to find him."

Hagrid gave a confused look, having her explain to him what had happened in the library.

"That boy uses that word way too often. As if it's a compliment ready to be given." Hagrid said, sitting opposite her and pouring warm tea.

"I know. It bugs me more than I can tell you," she sighed, "I mean, I remember how devastated Hermione looked when he called her that. For days it stuck with her."

Hagrid nodded, recalling that day for Hermione, "As much as it hurts and he's wrong, you never loose sight of you, you hear?"

He pointed a finger, trying to encourage her and lift her up. Astera smiled, nodding at his words.

That evening, Astera spent it in Hagrid's home. The two enjoyed each other's company whilst Hagrid taught her more about magic, helping her perfect herself.

But as she did so, Draco Malfoy hid himself in the Room of Requirement. His body sunk to the ground as he held his knees to his chest, tears quietly rolling down his cheeks as he reread the letter from his mother.

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