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Astera opened her eyes to the sound of birds chirping and owls during their morning flight. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up in her bed, remembering that it would be 2 days before the students returned back to Hogwarts.

Her new "normal" would soon change to her usual normal. She would no longer be able to run down the corridors with Draco, or sit by herself in the Astronomy Tower. Or even go to Hagrid's hut as much as she used to.

"Oh, my God... The bet."

Her sleepy eyes were wide awake as she ran down the stairs. She had run like never before, only in her pyjamas with a Ravenclaw cloak over her. Her legs took her to Hagrid's in less than five minutes, knocking on his door as she caught her breath.

"Come on in, Astera!" He called out from inside, already knowing it was her by her knocks.

"Hagrid, I did it!" she smiled as she swung open the door, watching Hagrid stir his morning tea.

"Did what?"

"I won the bet! I got Draco to do the charm!"

Hagrid almost choked on his tea, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand with widened eyes, "Blimey, you're lying!"

"Told you I'd do it," she proudly smiled, sitting opposite him as the fire from the fireplace warmed her body, "To be honest though, I did quite forget about our deal. I guess I was so caught up with him that I even forgot."

"Well, then, as much as I'd let you on Buckbeak right away, I'm not really allowed to," Astera frowned, a sad look on her face, "But, I might get you a flight tonight. When everyone's asleep."

She was lit up again, nodding as she got up from her chair and hugging him, "Thank you, Hagrid!" she almost turned to leave, but stopped at his doorstep, "By the way, I'd love to try your special recipe."


Draco sat on his bed, legs crossed as he rested his back against the headboard. He wasn't prepared to see Blaise, Goyle or Pansy. Or just anyone. Sure, he had two more days left and shouldn't be stressing out about it, but what were he to say? Every year, Draco bragged about his expensive Christmas, presents and getaways his parents would organize with wizards from around the world. He would spend it in the richest hotels with some of the richest witches and wizards his age. He would talk about the food and the drinks, the expensive suits he got to wear and the pricey perfumes he got to smell.

This year, he felt like he had his first ever Christmas. Though, he did spend it away from his parents, Draco got another present; Astera. He often times couldn't sleep right away because of the thought of her. She had a strong presence and aura. No matter how many times Snape told him so, Draco couldn't stay away. I mean, obviously, he wasn't one to follow rules. She felt like the missing piece of a puzzle, or the key ingredient for the perfect cake.

When he would close his eyes, he saw hers, her smile and heard her laugh. He heard her voice read to him. He had made her read that book over again, so much so that he could recite it now. He knew the lines on her palms and how her skin creased around her eyes when she smiled. He could almost feel her touch against his skin and hear her breaths when his lips collided with her neck. The way her lips were red and swollen when he kissed her a bit more rough and how she smacked his arm when he gave her a hickey on her collar bone. He smiled at her attempts to hide the mark, forgetting that a simple spell could make it go away.

Draco felt his cheeks slowly fall down as his smile faded, finally getting the courage to stand up and leave his bed. He had gotten used to the quiet of the Slytherin common room and dormitories, yet it drove him mad and insane. He had spent enough time in the quiet Room of Requirement, that the silence became an enemy and a dark thought.

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