Chapter Four

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Gif above: Willow (Dakota Fanning)

(Rachel's POV)

"Please," I beg, "I feel like I'm going to be sick!"

"No!" the guard snaps, glaring at me through the bars of my cell, "and that's my final answer!"

"But-," I start.

"No one's going to the bathroom!" the guard yells, "End of story!"

Suddenly an idea pops in my mind.

"I'm going to puke," I gasp, faking a gag.

The guard instantly jumps away from my cell, "Don't you dare!" he snaps.

I fake another gag, "I'll be quick, but it's coming up!"

"No one leaves their cell!" he screams.

I gag again, stepping towards the bars of my cell, forcing the guard back even more.

"Fine!" he yells frantically, "Fine, fine!"

I try to hide the smile on my face as he unlocks my cell and gingerly leads me to the bathroom, unlocking my handcuffs, "Be quick, I'll send someone in if you're not done in five minutes."

I gag again, and nod, then dash inside the bathroom.

"Finally!" Willow exclaims, turning away from the cracked mirror, "You sure took your sweet time."

I glare at her, "You're lucky I even decided to come," I snap.

She waves her hand, "Don't play that game with me, I knew you'd come."

"What do you want?" I growl, while she brushes her long blond hair with her finger.

"Nothing," she says airily, "I just want to explain something to you."

I narrow my eyes and move towards her, "What's that?"

Willow's one of those girls who I've always resented in school. It's not because she's pretty, it's the way she acts- like she'd be more than willing to hurt anyone in her way to the top.

"Look," Willow sighs, finally turning away from the mirror to look at me, "when the Officials were transporting us here- you know- after everything that happened with the rebellion. Well, I was shoved in an Official van, right smack in the middle of Gavin and your brother-,"

Well I know she's telling the truth so far, I saw Willow and Brady enter the van, before I was thrown in a separate car with Kenny and the camera man.

"Well Gavin was still out cold so he wasn't much of the conversationalist, but I was so scared that I grabbed his hand."

I shake my head, "Why are you telling me this Willow? What does it have to do with me?"

She shoots me a deathly look, "Let me finish. So we were in the car, I was holding Gavin's hand, and Brady noticed. Instead of getting mad at me for killing your brother though, he smiled at me."

I almost choke, "What-? Why?-,"

"Trust me, I was shocked too, well anyways- he told me everything would be fine, that the doctors will heal my ribs, and Gavin will wake up again, and that the other Unspeakables who weren't caught won't be found. He told me everything I wanted so desperately to hear."

I stare at her, "Willow, I don't care. Why are you telling me this?"

"Well you shut up?" she snaps, "I'm not done yet!"

I roll my eyes, but I do close my mouth.

"Look, in short- I'm repaying the favor. I know you're scared and heartbroken over what I did, blah, blah, blah."

I feel my temper rising, "So you have no remorse?" I growl.

She shakes her head, "I lost the ability to feel love, compassion, sorrow, all that ages ago."

"I hope you rot in-." I start to snap, turning on my heel to exit the bathroom.

"Wait!" Willow cries, grabbing my arm.

I try to shake her off, but she has an iron grip, and I can't forget the fact that she is an Unspeakable.

"What?" I snap, "What can you possibly want?"

Tears are brimming in my eyes; I'm staring into the callous blue eyes of the girl who killed my brother.

"I'm sorry for your brother," she sighs, "I didn't mean to kill him, I can promise you that, but listen to me- you'll get out of here. The Officials will transfer you out in no time, sure you and Brady might have to do some community service or something, but it's going to be nothing compared to Gavin, Kenny, and I."

"Let go of me," I growl.

"They're going to torture us," Willow continues, her voice calm and even, "torture us until we break, I'm telling you this so you'll be content, this can be you're revenge. I'm going to die here, and if not here at another jail, we can only be useful for so long."

"I don't want to talk to you," I snap.

"Be happy Rachel," Willow says calmly, never breaking eye contact with me, "you'll get your revenge, but I need you to do something for me when you get out."

"Stop!" I yell.

"Find the others, make sure they're safe- I can't live with myself knowing that they're being tortured also," she says, desperation starting to creep into her voice.

"I'll call in a guard!" I threaten.

"Help them," she pleads, "not for me, but for Sam- remember who he was."

"I know exactly who he was," I growl, "and I owe nothing to you, nothing. I hope the Officials make it unbearable for you in here, I hope that they make you snap in half like a stick."

I shake her hand off my arm, but this time she doesn't put up a struggle, "You're right," she murmurs, "you don't owe me anything- I just thought that-,"

"What?" I yell, "That I cared? Willow I don't give a crap about your kind, my brother is dead, nothing connects me to the Unspeakables now. I hope your kind dies out, it'll do us Normals a lot of good."

And with those parting words I turn my back on her emotionless face and walk out of the bathroom.

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