Chapter Eleven

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Pictured above: Kenny (Robbie Kay)

(Kenny's POV)

I had another weird dream.

Well actually I wouldn't call it a dream, more like a flashback. Because similar to my last one, this dream actually happened.

And also similar to the last one, it was leading up to the most humiliating and spite filled moments of my life.

I was sitting in the Unspeakable Compound cafeteria at an empty table with Sam. This took place around two years ago, making both Sam and I about fourteen or fifteen, and you can tell. I keep moving my hands in a nervous pattern and my eyes dart around the cafeteria.

I was such a wimp.

"You know the drill, right?" I ask him nervously. I remember this; my stomach had been churning with nerves that whole day. Our plan of escape just didn't seem right to me, but I trusted Sam and I wanted to get out into the real world so bad.

"Of course I know the drill Kenny," Sam snaps, glaring at me, "I came up with it, didn't I?"

I nod, "Yeah, I don't know- I've just got a bad feeling about it."

"Well stuff the 'bad feeling' you have and focus!" Sam says, rolling his eyes, "Do you want to get out or not?"

I nod, obviously I wanted to get out or else I wouldn't have made the alliance with Sam.

"Then stop whining," Sam growls, "everything's going to work out."

There's something in his voice that I don't like, but I ignore it. Sam's my friend, or at least we're acquaintances, he's loyal. And I know that he wants to be out of the Compound just as much as I do.

"Okay, three o'clock, and don't forget about me," I say, adding on the last part in a joking manner.

A smirk grows on Sam's face, "Oh don't worry Kenny, I won't," he murmurs almost ominously. Then he picks up his tray and walks away, leaving me alone at the table, my stomach churning all over again.

The scene fades out, and I begin to regain my senses. I'm lying down on hard, dirty, cold floor, and- oddly enough- half my shirt is gone.

Groggily I open my eyes and sit up. Just those simple actions cause my sore muscles to clench up, and my breath comes out in a strangled exhale.

"Oh wonderful, you're awake," Willow snaps, "Now hand over the rest of your shirt."

I stare at her, "What going on?"

She's hovering over Gavin, who's propped up against the wall. Both of them have dirt and grime all over their face and arms. The only light in the room is flickering uncontrollably, signaling that Willow's nervous- extremely nervous.

"The Officials have us locked in here, no food, no water, no medical supplies- we either die here or agree to do everything they tell us," Willow explains hurriedly.

My eyes grow wide, "What did you tell them?"

Willow rolls her eyes, "I told them we'd never help, but," she hesitates, "I'm starting to go back on that."

I move over to her and Gavin, and up close- the scene isn't pretty.

Blood soaks all of Gavin's shoulder from the bullet wound, and although Willow's pressing cloth from I'm assuming what was my shirt against the hole- it's not stopping anything.

"How long has it been like this?" I ask, gulping at the wound.

"A solid couple hours, it won't stop bleeding, that's the real problem. The bullet must have hit an artery or something- I don't know- are there even arteries in a shoulder?" Willow asks at rapid speed.

"No Willow," Gavin mutters, "arteries are in your heart."

He's awake, at least that's good. But due to all the blood loss his face is a pasty pale color and his voice sounds like he's been gargling with razor blades.

"How long do you think we can survive- here?" I ask, taking off the rest of my shirt and handing it to Willow, leaving me in a thin under t-shirt.

She shakes her head, "Gavin don't listen, because what I'm about to say isn't pretty."

Gavin rolls his eyes, "I know that you guys are going to outlast me."

Willow purses her lips, "Grim, but true. Kenny, we can probably go for a solid five days without water, but Gavin- you're just losing so much blood."

"So what's the plan?" Gavin asks, "How are we going to get out of this, without turning ourselves over to the Officials."

Willow looks up at me, mid-way through changing Gavin's bandages, "I- I'm not sure Gavin, I don't think that there are any other options."

"Oh no," Gavin protests, trying to sit up fully, "don't even think about taking the Officials threat, and especially don't do it for me. If I die, so be it, but you guys can get out of this! Come on, there has to be something!"

I shake my head, "Gavin- we're not just going to sit back and watch you die."

"I don't care if I die or not!" Gavin cries, "But don't give in, please!" He's practically begging us.

"We won't do it Gavin," Willow blurts out, "don't worry."

"Promise?" he asks, stopping his struggle to sit up.

Reluctantly, Willow and I both nod.

Relief floods into Gavin's face, and finally he settles back down, "Good- good."

Willow finishes up with Gavin's bandages, "Why don't you try to sleep Gavin, I read somewhere that it might stop the bleeding."

"Sleep?" Gavin asks, but then he slowly nods, "Heck, I'll try anything."

And with that he closes his eyes, and in less than a minute his breathing turns slow and even.

Quietly, Willow scotches over to me, "What are we going to do Kenny?" she whispers, her face torn with emotion, "We can't just let him die!"

I sigh, "I know, and the Officials know it too, which is probably why they didn't even cuff us in here."

Willow looks over at Gavin, "This is all my fault," she murmurs, "I shouldn't have done anything at the interrogation."

I roll my eyes, "Stop it, you know that they would have just tortured Gavin and I until we gave out all the information we knew. You saw you're opportunity and you took it, just as I would have done- or Gavin."

Willow looks up at the flickering light on the ceiling, "Why can we never catch a break Kenny?"

I put an arm around her shoulder as we both stare out past the bare walls confining us, "Because if we could- then we wouldn't be called Unspeakables."

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