Chapter Twelve

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Gif above: Gavin (Colin Ford)

(Willow's POV)

I snap awake in a cold sweat on the floor of our cell, knowing in my heart that something is terribly wrong.

We've been in the tiny containment cell for nearly three days now, with no food, water, or medical supplies. My stomach growls constantly, and my tongue and throat are so dry it hurts to swallow.

But that's nothing compared to Gavin.

He's pale as a ghost, with deep purple bags under his eyes. Blood covers his whole upper chest and the surrounding floor around him.

Kenny and I have tried to suggest that we just give into the Officials- for his sake, but he adamantly refuses. I can understand why he wouldn't want us to turn ourselves over to the Officials- but let's face it- he's going to die- and if we don't give in- we all will.

Anyways, I sit up onto the floor, rubbing my raw throat, when I see him.

Gavin's eyes are half open in a way that only suggests one terrible thing.

I hold my breath, watching his chest, waiting to see it rise and fall.

It never does.

"Kenny wake up!" I scream frantically, the single light in the room starting to madly flicker.

Tears are forming in my eyes and starting to spill down my cheeks as I crawl over to Gavin. He can't be dead. He can't be dead.

"Oh no-," Kenny mumbles in shocked horror at the sight of Gavin.

Desperately I grab his arm and feel for a pulse.

Tears are gathering in my eyes so quickly that it's almost impossible to see out of my blurred vision, but I still manage to find a tiny flickering pulse on Gavin's wrist.

I bend down next to his mouth, and although it's very light, Gavin's breath just touches my cheek.

He's alive, but not for much longer.

"Is he dead?" Kenny asks me, when I pull away from Gavin.

"No," I sob, tears coming out uncontrollably, "but we've got to give in Kenny, he's going to die. We have to cooperate with the Officials."

Kenny's jaw sets, "I know." he mumbles, "We don't have a choice."

And with an unspoken agreement, Kenny and I both jump to our feet and pound on the solid metal door separating us from the food, water, and medicine we so desperately need.

"We give up!" I scream, "We give up!"

It only takes a minute for an Official to open the door, a large smirk on his face, "Wonderful," he sneers.


(Gavin's POV)

When I woke up in the hospital bed, I knew that it was all over.

It only took me a minute to process the scene, and figure out that Kenny and Willow had sold our independence away.

And all because of my stupid shoulder.

"Oh, you're up," a mean looking nurse states, glaring down at me, "how does your shoulder feel?"

She doesn't ask it like she cares- more like she's being paid to ask the question, so I better answer.

Cautiously I move it a little, there's only a dull pain where the bullet entered, and the wound is properly wrapped- instead of with Kenny's, Willow's, and my clothes.

"Fine," I mumble, "Where are my friends?"

The nurse rolls her eyes, "They're being separately interrogated."

I feel my face pale, "How long have they been in there for? Are they alright?"

As she's cleaning up a few stray paper towels from the bedside table next to me, she glares, "That's confidential information."

"You probably just don't know," I say, sitting back against the head board of my bed.

"I do know brat," she snaps, "but its confidential information."

"Yeah," I snort, "sure, why would they tell you? You're a nurse at a jail, how much lower can you get?"

"I could be an Unspeakable," she barks, "such as yourself, an outcast to society."

I roll my eyes, "Ha, good one, you're a real genius."

The nurse smirks, than pulls out a bundle of clothes for me out of the bedside table drawer, "Change," she orders, "and don't even think of trying anything, we have you hooked up to a wireless chip that emits an electrical shock that's deadly enough to kill you if you use your powers for a second."

"You guys really are spending no expense to prove to the public that you have full reign over the Unspeakables," I whistle, taking the pile of clothes from her, "aren't you?"

The nurse just glares; then turns her back to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, staring at her.

"Change," she orders, "I will not peek."

"Can't I get a little more privacy?" I ask.

Without turning around, the nurse shakes her head, "No, now change."

Grudgingly, I pull the shirt over my head and change into the nasty prison jumpsuit.

"What about shoes and socks?" I ask.

The nurse shakes her head and turns back around, "You're not allowed to have them."

"Why?" I snap.

She purses her lips, "I do not need to hand out this information to you- and I won't. Now leave this room, Officials are waiting outside to bring you to your interrogation."

I gulp, "But I've barely recovered!" I protest.

The nurse just looks down on me, "You can walk."

"Yeah but-,"

"And you can talk."

"That's not the point-,"

"So you will be interrogated, now do as I order or else you will be killed, do you understand?" she asks- dead serious.

I almost tell her off, but I hold back.

Something tells me not to cross the Officials right now, I don't want to die- and without my powers there's nothing I can do to stop them from gunning me down.

So, for the first time in my life, I listen to orders and walk out that door.

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