Chapter Fourteen

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Pictured above: Rachel (Madeline Carroll) and Brady (Aramis Knight)

(Rachel's POV)

When our parents announced that Brady and I were going back to school, I nearly choked on the bagel I was eating.

"You're not serious," Brady snaps, "We have ankle bracelets on! We've been in and out of jail! We just got released from there like three days ago!"

My mother tries to smile, but she's still recovering from the Rebellion. The Unspeakables weren't kind when tying up my parents, cuts and bruises are all over their bodies and faces, "We spoke with your principle yesterday and he said the school would gladly take you back."

"Oh they'll take us back," I snort, "just so they can ridicule us until we want to remove ourselves back out."

"Rachel don't argue with your mother," my father's gruff voice comments, he doesn't even bother to look up from the newspaper he's reading.

"Brady did it first!" I snap, "Why aren't you scolding him?"

"Brady, don't argue with your mother," father says.

Brady rolls his eyes, "I can't believe you expect us to go there, even jail's better than school."

"That's the spirit," father says, folding up the newspaper and carefully picking himself out of the kitchen table chair.

Temporarily my anger goes away, and I rush over to help him up.

"Thanks Rach," he sighs, patting my hair, but I can see the sad look in his eyes.

Brady and I certainly weren't the only ones affected by Sam's death; my parents had to witness the whole thing right there in the room with us.

That day- they lost a son.

And they're not allowed to acknowledge his death, or else it would bring even more attention to their Unspeakable son, but I know it's killing them.

The goal was to have us all together, as a real family, all five of us.

But now the fifth member is dead- and they can't even grieve for him.

"You know the rules," mom says, gathering up her brief case, "no leaving the house, no friends- or boyfriends-," she gives a pointed look at me, "or people in general at the house besides the two of you. Got it?"

Brady and I both nod, but it's not like we're going to have anyone over. I mean- what friends do we have? I haven't talked to my school friends in months, and they probably think I'm some physco-path for being thrown in jail.....twice, and Brady- same case.

Long story short, we're not going to be throwing any parties.

"Love you," mom says, as she hugs both of us and plants a lip-stick kiss on our cheeks, "be good. We'll be home by seven, that's a promise."

I wave them out the door as Brady wipes the red lipstick mark off his cheek.

"So," I sigh, gently closing the door after my parents, "school."

"I'd rather take on prison again," Brady snaps from the kitchen, "Those kids are going to pulverize me."

"We'll be fine," I say, walking back into the kitchen.

Brady just rolls his eyes, "I know you're lying Rachel."

I ignore him; he can whine and moan all he wants. Of course I don't want to go to school either, but we'll finally have the chance to leave the Unspeakables in our past. I love Sam, and I'll never forget him, but the other Unspeakables- I'm not so sure about.

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