Chapter Three

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Throughout this story I will have Sam's past told, through his point of view. This will be before he comes in contact with Rachel and Brady, and even before he joins the Unspeakable compound. Just think of it as a flashback :)

(Three years ago, Sam's POV)

"Let's go, Sam, come on," Seth, my care-taker prompts, "channel you're powers, use your gift."

I take a deep breath, and with all my power try to concentrate on freezing the small hole Seth has carved into the tree, but once again- the ice from my hands shoots out- completely missing the hole.

I let out an exasperated sigh, "I give up!" I cry, "It's impossible, I can't do it!"

Concern flashes into Seth's eyes; he drops the knife he was using to carve and jogs over to me, "Hey, hey what's wrong?"

I plop down on a rotted tree trunk, "I can't do it!" I blubber, I can feel my eyes filling with tears- but I blink them back rapidly, "I'll never be able to control my powers, and one of these days it's going to catch up to me!"

Confusion grows in Seth's eyes, "Sam, you're fourteen years old, what do you expect? We can't master you're gift in one day, it's going to be an ongoing process, you know that."

"It doesn't matter- nothing's clicking," I sigh, "I can't even make a simple icicle!"

"Hard work and confidence-," Seth sighs, starting the speech he's given me several times today already.

"No!" I cry, running my hands through my slightly curly brown hair, "Not that dumb speech again, I can't do it, I can't control them!"

I feel the temperature rapidly decreasing around us; Seth looks at me with concern brimming in his eyes, "Sam- calm down- we can give it another try-,"

"Seth," I say through my deep breaths, "I think you should walk away- right now."

Our breath is showing, and he knows what happens when I lose control.

"Sam-," he starts.

"Go!" I scream.

He stares at me, then gets to his feet and runs into the woods, as far away from me as possible.

I close my eyes and try to control my breathing, just as Seth taught me too, so that the temperature would rise again, but I'm just too angry with myself. Why am I so stupid? For years we've been working on trying to manage my powers, and still I can't control them!

Idiot, idiot, idiot!

Suddenly I feel an icy jolt run through my body, escaping through the tips of my fingers. This feeling is all to familiar, and it never means anything good.

Gingerly I open my eyes to a whole new forest- the trees spiked with icicles, the grass covered with frost, and the branches encased in ice- all on a warm sunny spring afternoon.

I try to stagger to my feet, but I'm much too weak to stand.

Using my powers is never easy. After training with Seth, most of the time I either pass out or drag my butt to our temporary shelter and fall fast asleep.

Anyways, summoning ice always drains my energy, especially after one of my tantrums.

I fall to my knees, gasping for breath and fighting to keep the black spots from my eyes.

Seth and I both know that leaving the clearing like this is suicide. The Officials will know an Unspeakable was here when they see icicles and ice on the trees in the middle of May, and then they'll start the man hunt for me. So after my tantrums, Seth starts the grueling task of wiping any trace of ice from the woods, and when I wake up, I pitch in.

I hear footsteps running towards me, but they abruptly stop when they see the clearing, "Crap Sam!" Seth whispers fiercely, panic spiking his words.

I turn to him, he's stopped running, but footsteps are still echoing in the woods- not too far away too, "Who's-?" I start, but Seth cuts me off with one look.

He darts towards me and picks me up in one simple movement. I'm pretty tall for my age, furthur proving just how strong Seth really is, but at the moment I can't do much of anything but try to not pass out.

"Who's there?" I murmur, "Who's in the woods?"

"Shh," Seth whispers, "go to sleep, we'll be fine when you wake up."

I'm not going to sleep- I'm going to pass out- big difference.

"Seth, who is that?" I whisper, my eyes fluttering shut.

He stares down at me, "It's no one Sam, but if we don't survive this- well, I want you to know that I'm proud of you and what you've accomplished with me."

He doesn't need to tell me; with those last words I know exactly who's in the woods.

The Officials are onto us, and hot on our trail.

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