Chapter Five

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(Kenny's POV)

I dreamt of my mother.

Normally I never dream, let alone do I dream of her, but this dream, it was- different.

I saw my seven year old self, back in the rambled down shack the two of us used to live in. My mother was cooking at the stove, something that smelled amazing.

A fire crackled cozily in the corner, the scene was just too perfect.

I remember this like it was yesterday.

"Kenny, could you set the table for me please?" my mother asked, looking up at me from the big pot she was cooking in.

"Sure!" I agreed eagerly.

I followed myself into the kitchen, watched as I grabbed two bowls and a pair of spoons and sloppily placed them onto the table.

When younger me was finished, he ran back out of the kitchen, but this time I don't follow- instead I walk over to my mother.

She was such a beautiful woman, and she certainly didn't deserve the life she had. Instead of abandoning me, she decided to raise an Unspeakable all by herself- which most definitely had its repercussions.

Playing with fire, literally that's what it was like when she decided to keep me.

I stare at her face, drinking it in.

"Dinner's ready Kenny," she calls to young me, "collect your toys and take a seat."

I follow her as if in a daze, I miss her so much- so, so much.

Young me trots into the kitchen, holding an old teddy bear.

I remember that thing, I couldn't go anywhere without it, "Smells good, mother," I say respectively.

She laughs, a light airy laugh, and ruffles my hair.

We both take a seat, but before either of us can raise the spoon to our lips, there's a pounding on our door.

Fear spikes my heart- not my past heart- I had no idea of what was to come back then...

"That must be Opal with the groceries, though I do wonder why she's so late," mother rationalizes, rising out of her chair, "start your soup Kenny- this'll only be a minute."

But I don't start my soup, instead- curious- I follow her to the door.

She doesn't notice me, instead she just opens the door, "Thanks for all the help Op-," she starts, but suddenly stops short.

"Are you Miss Sarah Hall?" a gruff man's voice asks.

My mother's eyes widen, "No," she quickly denies, "no, no, that's not my name."

"Mam we know that you've given birth to an Unspeakable child, if you could step outside-,"

My mother suddenly turns away, "Kenny," she says desperately, her eyes harboring so much fear, "run, now!"

But I don't run, I stand there, like an idiot..

"Help her!" I scream to past me, "Use your powers, do something!"

But just as I did nine years ago- I don't move, I just watch in utter shock as my mother is hauled out of the house and forced to her knees.

Dream me tries to run forward, but suddenly my feet are glued to the floor.

"No!" I scream, "No!"

The Officials of course don't stop though- I watch in frozen horror as they stick the gun to the back of my mother's head as she pleads with them.

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