Chapter Six

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Gif above: Kenny (Robbie Kay)

(Kenny's POV)

Maggie almost had a heart attack when she saw my bare back.

"Oh my, oh my word- how did this happen to you dear? Oh Lord have mercy that's terrible!" she gasps, dropping my shredded shirt and looking away.

Because my hands couldn't be freed, she cut away my shirt using those huge sheers.

I just shrug, "It's no big deal; I got hit in the back with an ice blast by another Unspeakable. It probably looks bad because I'm a fire Unspeakable, ice and I don't really mix."

I can't believe I'm talking so openly about being an Unspeakable- especially with someone who works at an Official jail.

And as far as I know I don't have any drugs pumped into my system like last time.

"I think you should get this looked at," she swallows, walking back up to inspect my cut.

"No!" I snap, jumping away from her, "Leave it, I'm fine."

Maggie purses her lips, "Just a suggestion, kid, you've really got a nasty wound there."

Obviously, it hurt like a mother.

"Just ignore it, I'm fine."

"I'm just lookin out for ya," she says.

I roll my eyes, "I don't need anyone 'looking out for me.''

"I heard ya talkin bout you your mom before I shook you awake, screaming about her," Maggie states, "I'm sorry about what happened."

"Don't talk about her," I growl.

"I'm just sayin; you know my mama was killed too."

The last thing I need is a sob story right now.

"That's unfortunate," I say dully.

And with that, the matter is dropped.

Maggie dresses me in a white button up shirt, black dress pants, and stiff shiny shoes. Along with the new outfit, she also trims my hair- which was starting to reach the nape of my neck. Back at the compound Ebony used to give haircuts, she wasn't very good at it, but it sufficed.

I wonder what happened to her.

"This looks ridiculous." I snap, as she does some odd thing with my hair, swishing it to the side with jell.

Maggie shrugs, "It's cool with the kids these days, and you look fine, now shush."

I roll my eyes, but let her finish. Finally my face and arms are scrubbed until all traces of dirt are gone.

"Alright," Maggie sighs, stepping away from me, "you're finished."

I stare at myself in the mirror. Personally I don't think I look any better, just like a kid dressed in slightly nicer clothes and a less shaggy appearance.

"Now, hold still." she says, completely throwing me by surprise. Before I can even react, she's grabbed my wrist and is jamming something in it.

"Ow!" I cry when she steps back, more surprised than in pain, "What is this?"

Maggie shakes her head, "You'll find out eventually, now I just have to re-cuff you."

My spirits instantly rise at that, and my brain immediately starts carefully calculating my best way of escape.

"Oh stop that," Maggie says, rolling her eyes, "the minute I said 're-cuff' you're eyes got that mean look my ex-husband used to get. You ain't escaping, don't even try."

I glare at her, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't start that with me," she laughs, "although I don't look it- I'm much older than you."

"Fine, I won't do anything," I sigh, turning around- letting her re-cuff me.

"Hmph," Maggie snorts, "Boy, do you think I was born yesterday?"

She raps three times on the closed door, which immediately opens, Officials pouring in, "Hold him down," she sighs.

"Let go of me!" I scream, as they push me down to my knees.

"Try anything and I'll blow your brains out," an Official snaps, than I hear a gun click just centimeters away from my forced down head, "alright Maggie, he's good."

I feel her take my cuffs off, and finally I can wiggle my aching fingers. But before I can even summon heat to them, a new set of handcuffs are being reapplied.

"To be fair Kenny," Maggie sighs, as she fastens the new cuffs on, "I didn't want it to come to this."

She clicks the lock back into place and all the fight goes out of me.

I go limp against the Officials, my one chance at escaping- and I blew it!

"Come on, get up!" the Official with the gun orders, kicking me in the ribs.

I'm hauled to my feet by some Officials.

As they push me out the door I make sure to give Maggie the coldest look I can muster.

She could have helped me get out; we were all alone; she didn't have to summon the Officials.

Just another person to add to the long list of people who have screwed me over.

"Move!" the Officials order.

"I can walk myself," I snap.

"He won't be able to for long," one snickers.

I narrow my eyes, but don't turn around, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Should we give him an example?" another asks.

"Go for it, I don't like his tone," the Official with the gun snorts.

Suddenly a jolt of electricity runs through my body, raising the hair on my arms and leaving a weird taste in my mouth.

"What is that?" I gasp, trying to shake off the daze the sudden shock left me in.

The Official with the gun just smirks, "This is our way of getting you to talk- publicly."

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