Chapter Eight

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(Rachel's POV)

I had no idea that the Unspeakables were going to be tortured; some woman just pulled me out of my cell, did my hair and make-up, and then put me into the Officials hands, who promptly tied me right back up again.

When I saw Willow, Kenny, and Gavin though- tied up on the other side of the stage, I knew something big was going to happen.

Brady senses it too, "I don't like this," he murmurs to me, as some short man gets to the podium, "it feels a lot like Sam's trial."

I gulp, "What if it is an execution?"

"Without a trial?" Brady asks, "Nah, but it's not good- whatever's going on."

Then the short man announced that they were going to be electrocuting the Unspeakables until the correct information was put forward.

My first thought? - What a stupid idea.

The Officials are so focused on showing the public that the Unspeakables have no power compared to them that it's blinding them from what's right in front of their eyes!

Willow's obviously an electric Unspeakable; did they even try to figure out what ability she has? Shocking Willow isn't going to weaken her, if anything it'll just make her stronger!

But then again- that's just Willow. Kenny and Gavin are earth and fire, electricity will defiantly affect them.

I bite my lip, as much as I despise Kenny, Willow- and I guess Gavin- being put in this position isn't right or fair.

"Oh man," Brady groans quietly, "this is going to be torture just to watch. How are they going to keep their hideout secret like this?"

I bite my lip, "I'm not sure, what I want to know is why the Officials brought us out here."

Brady shrugs, "Maybe they think we're friends with the three of them."

"Maybe," I sigh, even though I know that's not the case. I've ranted my heart out to the Official assigned outside my jail cell. Without giving too much away, I've spilled my hatred for Willow, distaste for Kenny, and yearning for Sam. I don't know what the Official does with the information- but I'm pretty sure they know I'm not a fan of the captured Unspeakables.

"Alright," the short man sneers, still up on his podium, Officials are positioned all around Willow, Kenny, and Gavin, "my first question will be for Kenny."

Kenny doesn't react; he just stares out into the crowd, as if he's looking past all of them and into the wide open world past this cursed stage.

"Why did you decide to stage a rebellion during the ice Unspeakable's execution?" he asks, "Many Unspeakable's have been publicly killed before him, why hold it- at that time?"

Great, a question that deals directly with Brady and me, he's going to tell. My stomach lurches, what's going to hold him back? Telling the Official that we put the idea in his mind is the perfect opportunity to get the spot light off of him right off the bat.

Next to me Brady's shoulders slump, I know he's thinking the same exact thing as I am.

We're going to get the torture treatment also.

I brace myself for Kenny to talk- but it doesn't happen.

"I'm asking you a question," the man says into the microphone, "answer or we'll electrocute you."

But Kenny doesn't even look up; he keeps his eyes focused in that one spot.

The short man nods at an Official with a remote in his hands, the Official smirks, then presses a button.

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