Chapter Seventeen

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(Kenny's POV)

"This is really stupid!" I gasp, "I hope you know that."

My interrogator, who has a stupid name tag on that introduces him as Jerry, smirks, "Your torture is priceless, trash."

Then he presses that damn button on his remote, pouring in another gallon of water into the tank I've been forced into.

That's right; the Officials are torturing me with water.

Already the water is up to my neck, and I've been treading it for the past ten minutes. Out of all the tortures so far, this one's the worst. I have no idea where Gavin and Willow are, and unlike how the other ones have been- they're not by my side here.

"Now, unless you would like to drown, I suggest you answer my question. Where is the Unspeakable hide out?"

I don't answer; instead I keep treading water in the inclosed space, while Jerry's face gets angrier and angrier.

He presses the button twice, dumping another two gallons into the box. To breathe, I practically have my face pressed to the top of the box, "You know; a simple beating could have sufficed in torture."

"Keep up the arrogance kid," Jerry snaps, "That's a real smart thing to do."

He presses the button, dumping more water in.

"I don't know where it is!" I snap.

"And another lie from our Unspeakable ring leader, what a surprise," Jerry growls, pressing the button, "You know- I will kill you in here. I hope you understand that, unlike the other Officials, I'm not afraid to kill you arrogant pieces of filth."

"Congratulations," I snap sarcastically, "you won't hesitate to kill me, and trust me- I won't hesitate to kill you either."

"You little prick," I hear him mutter, pressing the button again.

The water level rises so high that I only have a few centimeters of space at the top to breathe from. My whole body is underwater, just the top of my face is free.

Jerry steps up to the front of the container, that sly smirk plastered all over his face, "Now, I'm going to ask you one more time Kenny- where is the Unspeakable hide out? And let me warn you- if you say one of your 'oh so brilliant remarks' again, I will not hesitate to press this button one last time. And when I press it- you will not be set free, I will watch you die in this box, right here in this room. Do you understand? -Now answer my question."

I guess that any normal person would break down- beg for their life and reveal the location of the hide out.

But the thing is... I'm not normal.

"Go- to- hell," I gasp, struggling to keep my mouth and nose above the water.

Jerry shrugs, "I warned you."

And without a second of hesitation, he presses the button.

In less than ten seconds, the tank is completely filled- and I'm out of air.

I hold my breath, my lungs already starting to burn. Outside of the tank, Jerry has a huge smirk on his face, while he flips the remote in his hand.

"I warned you," he mouths.

My legs burn from treading water for so long, and my arms ache from keeping myself afloat. In my ears is a ringing that's only getting louder as the seconds tick by.

A person can survive without air for three minutes, and I've only been without oxygen for about fifteen seconds.

Man up Kenny, if you're going to die here you might as well do it heroically.

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