Chapter Fifteen

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Pictured above: Alex (Ian Nelson)

(Nevada's POV)

To get us ready for the Unspeakables, our prep-team actually beat us.

And when I say that, I mean that they punched, kicked, and scratched me until I had to many bruises to count and blood dripping from the cuts.

You'd think that a bunch of make-up artists wouldn't be able to hit very hard- but they proved me wrong. One woman raked her fake nails down my arm so hard that her nail popped off- in my skin.

"Well, I think we've done it," a tall woman with short blond hair who introduced herself as Enova says, "you two look tortured enough."

Alex is lying on his back next to me, his lip is busted and he already has a black eye starting to form, "And we feel it too."

Enova shrugs, "It's nothing personal, you both know that. Xavian wants the Unspeakables to have no doubt in their little minds that you're one of them, and looking the part is just as important as acting."

"Why couldn't you have just painted on some bruises then?" Alex asks, sitting up.

I roll my eyes, "Because paint eventually wears off Alex, and this'll help us get a better sense of how the Unspeakables are feeling."

Enova nods, "Correct, Nevada."

But Alex doesn't shut up, "I just don't get it, why do we have to go in there? Why can't they just send in a couple older Officials to monitor them? Why can't we just use that muscle relaxer stuff on the Unspeakables, and just ask them every question under the sun... and then kill them?"

Enova crosses her arms over her chest and nods at an Official behind Alex and me.

I turn just in time to watch the huge Official kick Alex's arm out from underneath him, which causes him to fall back- smacking his head against the hard ground.

"Owww," Alex loudly moans from the floor.

I can't help it, Alex has a right to ask questions, that was an uncalled for move, "What the heck was that for? We're allowed to ask questions!" I can't help but snap.

Enova bends down right in front Alex's and my face, her whole demeanor has changed- no longer does she seem helpful and nice, "Don't you dare defy Xavian's orders, did you learn nothing from training? What the leader says goes."

"Technically I'm still in training," Alex groans, wincing as he props himself back up.

"Don't act smart with is or we'll beat you up even more, understood?" Enova snaps, standing back up.

Alex and I both nod, though for the first time since I've gotten here- I want to challenge her authority.

It's a crazy thought, Enova outranks me on several factors- but I don't agree with what she just said and did. Alex asked a legitimate question, she had no right to order someone to hurt him for it.

"Now- go in," Enova orders.

I stare at her, while Alex speaks up, "You can't be serious."

Enova glares at him, "I'm dead serious kid, go in."

"B-but how are we supposed to act, their worlds apart from us!" I stutter.

Enova rolls her eyes, "You act like any human being, they're children."

"So are we!" Alex scoffs, "And what about their powers, aren't you going to arm us?"

"No," Enova answers simply, "they won't be using their powers, don't worry about that. Now get up, both of you."

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