Chapter Thirteen

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New characters guys!!! I hope you like them :)

(Nevada's POV)

I was guarding the outside perimeter of the prison with the new recruit. Alex- I think he said his name was- when I got the message.

"What's that?" Alex asks, trying to look over my shoulder to the watchband on my wrist that's displaying the message to me.

I shrug him off, "None of your business newbie."

"You do know that we're the same age, right?" he asks, not taking the hint that I wanted him to shut up.

I ignore him, and read the message- then re-read it- and then just to make sure I'm actually seeing it correctly- I read it again.

"What does it say?" Alex whines.

"Do you ever shut up?" I snap.

He shrugs, "It depends, what's the message?"

"Xavian Waters wants to meet with us," I answer, already walking over to the steps of the huge jail house.

Alex trails behind me, "Us?" he asks, raising an eyebrow, "What'd I do?"

I roll my eyes, "I don't know, but- for whatever reason," I mumble, then raise my voice so he can hear, "he wants both of us."

Alex stops, then shrugs, and continues to follow me up the stone steps. Above our heads thunder rumbles menacingly and the wind is slapping my ponytail against my face continuously.

"Hey slow down- ah- what's your name again?" Alex calls from a couple steps behind me.

"Nevada," I reply stiffly.

"Nevada?" he snorts, "That's an- interesting name; how'd you get it?"

"I don't have to tell you- and I won't tell you- the answer to that," I growl, scanning my ID badge to open the huge double doors leading into the jail.

"Geez it was just a question," Alex says, putting his hands out in front of him, "take it easy."

Again, I roll my eyes, "Shut up."

"You're going to be a real downer aren't you?" Alex asks, closing the door behind him and scampering to catch up with me.

I don't answer, instead- my mind wonders off to why on earth Xavian Waters would want to see me....I mean- us.

During the Unspeakable rebellion last week, the Head of Officials was killed; an Unspeakable sent a jagged rock into his skull on live television. So, as second in command- Xavian Waters has been promoted to Head of the Officials.

He's the head of bosses, the most important man in our country.

Which leads me to the question, why would he want to meet us?

"Are we almost there?" Alex asks from behind me, that whining tone back in his voice.

"No," I snap, as we round the corner leading to Xavian Waters' office.

Two Officials are waiting outside for us, when we reach Xavian's door- they both give me funny looks, like they're pained to see us go in there.

"Is he ready for us?" I ask the two Officials.

The one nods, "Good luck, he's acting funny."

"Why?" Alex asks, coming up next to me.

I elbow him in the ribs, "We'll be respectful."

The second Official nods, then- almost silently- pulls the door open for us.

"You lied," Alex whispers, as we enter the room, "you said we weren't even close but now-,"

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