Chapter 11

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A/N:Okay here you go guys! Love ya an thanks for sticking by. It's about to get crazy!😏😉🙊🙈

"Okay good night mom." I said as I walked upstairs to my room for some shut eye. "Good night sweetie!" She yelled and I walked in my room shutting the door behind me. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth before climbing in bed and slowly falling asleep.


I woke to the sound of tapping on my window. Great it better not be Shay coming to kidnap me or something. As I turned around slowly I saw not Shay but the person who I've been craving to see. Keaton. I hurriedly opened the window and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. "What are you doing here I thought you weren't supposed to come till tomorrow." I questioned in a whisper.

He smiled and we split so he could come through the window. "Well we got done early. Now do you have your bags packed?" I nodded and went to my closet to grab them. "What time is it?" I questioned while walking to my bed and going through my bag, making sure I have everything. "Almost 5 am." I gave him the 'woah' look and said "Why so early?" "Because it takes a while to get there." I nodded and threw my hair in a messy bun. "Are you ready Ma lady?" Keaton said jokingly while bowing.

I pretended I had a dress on and bowed back at him, lifting my arms as if I was lifting a dress. He opened the door and I grabbed my bag while walking out. I found a piece of paper and a pen sitting on the kitchen counter so I decided to write my mom a note saying I was gone with Keaton.

Keaton picked me up early this morning because it takes a while to get there XOXO Love you, Skylar.
P.S. I'll text you when I get there!"

I follow Keaton out the front door and look around. "Um where's your car?" I question a bit confused. "Oh I ran. I had to anyways since I haven't been training lately and Wes wants me to train more." I nodded and said "Well I'm not as fit as you so are we gonna walk or-" He cut me off with saying "No we won't walk. I have to shift but please don't get scared.

I won't hurt you at all...I promise." I nodded and allowed him to 'shift'. As he did so, I did get scared a bit even though I promised I wouldn't. But who wouldn't right? I mean a guy changing into a giant wolf right in front of you, it's pretty scary. I looked into his same dark green eyes and I knew I was safe. He took my bag from my hands in his teeth and flicked his head for me to get on his back.

I hesitated for a second but then got on his back. I laid on his soft fur as he sprinted forward down the street. I tried not to hurt him by grabbing on his fur to hard but he spoke to me. Not through his mouth though. "It's fine. It doesn't hurt." was all I heard in my mind. Did he just like mind link with me? I thought to my self. "Yes."

He answered being able to hear my thoughts. "Oh okay but are you sure it's fine." I said back to him. Woah I didn't know he could do that with humans too. Cool! "Yeah and yes I can do it with humans but only curtain ones. Like my mate and a few others that are connected with my pack but not totally werewolves." "Okay." was all I could reply back and held on a bit tighter to him.

He ran on for a while-about 2 hours I believe-when Keaton started slowing down and eventually walking. We were in the middle of a forest and I literally had no clue where we were. I wasn't even sure if we were in California still. I sat up off his back and looked around at the sun shining through the trees and on Keaton's fur. It shined a bright blonde in the light but when it got dark it went back to its normal brownish tan. Pic above/to the side.

I looked ahead and saw a wood cabin with the same golden lights as the pack house we had visited a few days before. I focused on the deck that was practically floating above the water. Not on it, above it. There were two lawn chairs sitting out and in between was a fire pit that I couldn't wait to sit by. I saw two jet skis sitting on the sand of the shore and a red speedboat. "Wow this is amazing." I said as I mind linked with Keaton. "I know. I worked hard to fix this place up I hope you like it!"

He said back while barking at the end. Wow I never thought my boyfriend would be a wolf, it's just so weird for me to process it still. Keaton stopped a few feet in front of the front door and let me get off. "Can you open the door for me." Keaton said while mind linking with me. I giggled and opened the front door for him. He started walking through and mind linked with me again "Can you open this one?" He said while sitting in front of a different door.

I opened it for him and he walked in shutting it behind him with his back paw. I giggled at him then walked towards the living room examining all the cabin like furniture. It made me feel like I was back at my Aunt and Uncles cabin and I thought about how much I missed it. Seeing my family every few months a year. All my family would go up there.

It was all around just a good time. I heard Keaton open the door which made me snap out of my thoughts. "Come here I want to show you around." He smiled at me. I walked towards him smiling and he took my hand bringing me in the room he had just come out of. It was a bedroom with a king size bed in the center and had fur rugs. The floors were pure wood and so were the walls.

It had a very warm feel to it and it really made me feel at home. There were painting on the walls of the woods and some had just pictures of animals. I saw a picture that had Keaton's mom and dad in it. "Oh hey, that's you're parents." I said while walking over to it. "Yeah. This is one of the many cabins our pack owns. We need these so neighboring packs don't take this territory over." I nodded and turned to look at the rest of the room.

I walked towards the bathroom and looked around at it and the walk in closet next to it. "Keaton this is amazing." I said while turning and smiling to him. "Wait till you see the jet skis and boat." I gave him a smirk "Jet skis?"

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