Chapter 4

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A/N:Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating I've been doing so much stuff over the break. But I have 100+ reads on this so thank you! And please spread the word on this story! Tell anyone! You're friends, you're dogs, anyone! Ik I'm not the greatest writer but I'm hoping I'll get better over time so just stay with me I have a lot planned for this book! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year guys! Hope they were awesome! (This chapter might be a little long so bare with me)

Keaton's POV (Point of view)

That night I couldn't sleep at all. She was all I could ever think about ever. She means everything to me even though we just met. I tried everything to get her off of my mind. I tried playing video games, writing a new song, going in the basement and playing my guitar but nothing helped. I decided to just sit in my room and watch movies till I fell asleep. I finally fell asleep quarter after 5 and its was the best sleep I had in a long time.

Skylar's POV

I woke and felt like someone was watching me. I sat up and looked around my room for anyone but there was no one there. I looked around to my bathroom and made it to my window. I saw someone and flew backwards off of my bed, hitting my head on my closet door. I got up after a few seconds and looked through my window to see who it was. It was Shay. I walk up to the window and open it mad and scared she was gonna hit me or something.

"What are you doing!?" I yelled at her

"Making sure you don't do anything I don't like." By this time I was furious.

"Why do you even care!" I yelled again

She smiled a devilish smile and said "Because, you go out with Keaton."

"Okay I'm not even sure if I am dating him or we are just friends so yeah. And you really need to get over him!"

I pushed her so that she would lean just a little but not falling just yet. She quickly grabbed onto the trees trunk and I spoke "Leave. Or I'll push you harder next time." I know it seemed a bit harsh but how would you feel if this random girl kept spying on you. She laughs and says "I'll be back." While climbing down my tree. She hit the ground with a thud then looked up at me. Her eyes were a golden color and cat like. She blinked and her eyes went back to her normal blue. I stepped back and sat down on my bed thinking about what had just happened. Did her eyes really just turn yellow then back to normal. I denied it but I couldn't help this strong feeling in the back of my mind telling me to run before I get hurt. I didn't listen and shook it off. I looked around my room at the dozens of boxes that still needed to be unpacked. I groaned while getting up and started unpacking.


I FINALLY got done unpacking around 6. It only took me all day but I'm glad I got it done. I walked out of my room and find my mom walking up the stairs. "Oh I was just coming to get you. Dinner is ready." I nodded and followed her downstairs. I heard a knock at the door and ignored it. My mom ran to it and opened it. "Um Sky!" She yelled. Great it better not be Shay. I walked to the door focusing on my phone reading over all the missed messages from my friends. A large hand came over my phone screen and I realized who it was. I looked up and saw Wes and Keaton. I hugged them both and said "Oh hey guys. What are you doing here?" Wes takes my hand and says "Just wanted to come meet you're parents. And maybe hang out here if that's cool." I nodded and Keaton growled a really low but quiet growl. Wes turned to Keaton wide eyed and put his hands on his arms. I heard Keaton say something but I couldn't make it out. All I know is it started with a M. I put my hand on his shoulder and said "Keaton are you okay?" He smiled and said "Um yeah I'm fine." Wes nodded and I took them to my mom. "Mom, this is Keaton and his older brother Wesley or Wes is what we call him. They live next door." I said while pointing to them. They both put out there hands for my mom to take and she shook them. "Hello boys." She said giving them a smile. "Hello Mrs..." Wes asked waiting for an answer. "Just call me Nicole or Nikki." The boys nodded and Keaton said "Well nice to meet you Nicole." She smiled and said "So Keaton you're dating my daughter?" He nodded a nervous nod and my mom laughed. "I'm just messing with you. You seem like a nice boy." He sighed in relief and I took them on a tour around the house. All I could think about was what Keaton did when Wes took my hand. I tried so hard to make out what he said but I just couldn't at the moment. The last stop was my room where my sister was playing on my tablet. Yes she is only three but she knew how to work one like a pro. "Here's my room and that's my sister Gracie." I sit down next to her and say "Grace this is Wes and Keaton. Can you say hi?" She pauses her game and looks over at the boys "Hi!" Her voice full of excitement. Keaton and Wes walk up to her and bend down beside my bed. Keaton grabs her small foot in his large hand and says "Hi Grace I'm Keaton." She smiles at him and says "Hi... Kea...ton." Struggling to say his name. She smiled when she got it right and said "Keaton! Keaton! Keaton!" While jumping around. He smiled and Wes said "Okay, hey Grace I'm Wes." Grace smiles confident and says "Hi Wes." Not stuttering at all. I show the boys my bathroom and walk in closet when Grace runs up to me and wraps her arms around my leg. "I'm scared." She says. I look at her confused and say "What's wrong baby?" She takes my hand and pulls me to my bed. She points to the window and I see Shay again. Okay this time she crossed the line. She scared my sister so much that she is burying her head in my legs. I picked Grace up and said "It's okay that's just...A friend of mine. Here why don't you go help mom maybe you guys can make some cookies." She smiled a excited smile knowing we do have cookies that we can make. I put her down and she ran downstairs yelling "Mom lets make cookies!" I smiled at her then went to my window. I open my window and say "What are you doing here again?" Keaton walks in front of me and says "Get out of here Shay." I push Keaton out of the way and say "I got this." I turn towards Shay and say "Remember what I told you last time?" Keaton looks at me confused and says "Last time?" I ignore him and Shay says "Like you would push me out of this tree." I lean over to her and push her a bit. I push her a bit more and she says "Well if you're going to then just do it already." I shrug and push her out of the tree. I run outside and said "Leave me alone or you'll be in the hospital." She laughs and says "Unlikely." While getting up and walking away. I was amazed she acted like nothing was wrong. Not limping not even hurting just walking normally. The boys looked at me and we all walked back in the house. We sit down on the couch and Wes looks over at me.

"So you said you moved from Wisconsin?"

I nod and say "Yeah why?"

"Well how is it there?"

I laugh and say "Well we lived in a small town with little to nothing to do ever. Um cold in the winter hot in the summer." I laugh a little and so do the boys.

We chat a bit more until it was almost nine. I walk them to the door and say "So what are you guys doing tomorrow?" Wes smiles and says "Nothing why?" I shrug and say "Maybe we could go surfing." He nods and says "Sure. Wake up around 7:00-8:00 am so we could get out on the water early." I nod and say "Okay see you guys tomorrow." While closing the door. I walk up to my mom and kiss her good night. I was so tired from arranging my room all day. I head upstairs quietly because my sister was sleeping and go to my room. I get changed in my PJs and hop in bed. I grab my phone and set my alarm for 6:30 and turn on my music. I close my eyes and eventually drift off.

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