Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys it's been a while but here's a update for you! Might be a little boring but trust me this book gets more interesting! Can't wait to show you guys the rest of it! Okay I'm out✌️Happy Reading!☁️⭐️🌙✨

The next morning I woke to a few texts from Keaton and sighed while unlocking my phone to read them. I had slept in a lot longer then normal so I can see why he had sent me a lot of messages.

"Good morning beautiful how are you doing?"


"Babe you awake?"

"Well of corse you're not awake. I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday I was a jerk not giving you a kiss or even hug...I'm sorry I'll let you sleep now"

That last text got me. Yes he apologized but just the last part 'I'm sorry ill let you sleep now.' That made me feel like he knows how mad I am at him. Like I don't want to talk to him and he knows it but that's not true. I still want to talk to him and maybe I was over reacting a bit yesterday. So I decided to stop being a dick and reply to him.

"Sorry I was asleep and good morning! Mind telling me what you're doing?"

Within an instant he replied "It's okay and I can't...It's a surprise but your going to love it...I hope🙌"

"Haha okay but I bet I will🙈😂"

"💆🙎" Two emojis was all he sent me and I just giggled at bit while setting my phone down on my end table. I walked in my bathroom, took a shower and brushed my teeth. I blow dried my hair and straightened it, which didn't take to long so I made it to lunch before it got cold. As I was walking down the stairs my phone vibrated in my pocket. I stopped and pulled it out to see a text from Keaton.

"Oh and ask you're mom if you could stay with me for a week but tell her you'll be with me and my family. But thing is you won't be😉😏"

"Okay I'll ask her haha."

I walk down the rest of the three steps and said "Hey Ma. Can I stay with Keaton and his family next week for the whole week?" She looked up at me as I flung myself onto the counter across from where she was.

"You said his family is going to be there like his parents too?"

I nodded and said "Yes mom his parents ARE going to be there." While expanding the 'are'

"Well okay but where are you going?"

I shrugged "I don't know Keaton won't tell me."

She nodded and said "Sure you can go."

I jumped up off the counter and gave her a hug while saying "Thank you!" Almost cutting my arm with the knife she was holding. "Woah woah watch it you almost cut yourself." I backed off of her and she continued "Now how does salad and like a weird but good sandwich sound?"

I laughed and said "Really weird but good sandwich sounds good to me." She laughed and pushed my arm a bit "Oh you know what I mean." I smiled and headed upstairs to get my bag packed because it was Saturday and Keaton said he would pick me up Monday.

After I got packed I headed back downstairs do to eat but I had gotten a major headache so I didn't eat that much. I even took some medicine to try and help it but nothing worked so I decided to try and go to sleep. I headed upstairs and laid down on my bed not caring at all about anything else.


I woke up about 3 hours later and looked around my room. I saw a figure in my desk chair and almost flew off my bed but I learned from last time I flew off my bed. One of the boys that I had met-Well not necessarily-yesterday turned in the chair.

"Oh sorry to frighten you Beta Female but Shay was trying to get in you're room while you were asleep. I decided to stay in here in case she wanted to come in through the door."

I nodded and said "Beta Female? You can just call me Sky okay?"

He nodded and said "We didn't officially meet yesterday. My names Jay."

I smiled and took his hand that he had just extended out for me to shake. "Well nice to meet you Jay. So where are the others?"

"Oh hang on." He said standing up and walking to my window. He waved his hand out and I heard rustling as I looked out the open window. Two guys were climbing up the tree-Wow they are amazing. I wish I was as athletic as they are. They climbed through the window and Jay spoke. Picture of all of them on the side

"So Sky this is Dylan." while pointing to the boy with blonde-brownish hair and beautiful pale green eyes. I stuck my hand out and he took it while nodding.

"And this is Jacob." he said while pointing to the boy with blonde hair and an award winning smile. I stared into his big brown eyes as I also took his hand and he nodded at me.

"No sign of her after we got her to leave." Jacob said while turning to face Jay. Jay nodded and turned to face me.

"Okay I if you need us just whistle." he said while following the rest of the boys out the window. Each landed with a loud thud as their feet hit the ground and I nodded at Jay after he landed. He flashed me a smile and so did the rest of the boys while running back to Keaton and Wes' place.

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