What Is Going On

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Charlotte Pov:

I woke up and see Henry not beside me I check the time and it's close to 11.

Henry: Morning (coming in with a cup of coffee)
Charlotte: morning (taking the cup from him)
Henry: how you sleep (got back in the bed with her)
Charlotte: I slept great that you were next to me (smiling)
Henry: Me too (leaning in and kiss her) also I got something for you (reaching into the draw and got a box out
Charlotte: what is this
Henry: it's a promise ring that nothing can divide us

Henry: Morning (coming in with a cup of coffee)Charlotte: morning (taking the cup from him)Henry: how you sleep (got back in the bed with her)Charlotte: I slept great that you were next to me (smiling)Henry: Me too (leaning in and kiss her) also I...

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                           The ring

Charlotte: I love you (hugging him
Henry: to you to
Charlotte: you better get ready I heard you gotta vist your grandmother
Henry: oh yeah, let me get dress (heading to the bathroom)

I was getting up and putting my bra and panties on when Henry phone got a text, I thought for a moment do I look at his text or don't cause I don't want him getting mad at me for going through his phone. I grab his phone and see a name Chole with hearts on it, is he really doing the cheating thing again or am I getting into conclusion, I heard Henry getting out so I put his phone back where it was so he wouldn't be subspecies.

Charlotte: umm Henry I talk to you later or maybe come by later
Henry: sure
Charlotte: ok, I see you later (kiss his cheeks)

Later that day

Henry Pov:

I was cleaning up the house when the doorbell rung.

Henry: Hey bae
Chole: umm hey

                    Chole Hartman

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                    Chole Hartman

Chole: look Henry we need to talk
Henry: what you doing here
Chole: are you still with that Charlotte girl
Henry: yes so I love you only
Chole: well I don't anymore
Henry: why
Chole: cause I love someone else and I know you love Charlotte and you got to tell her what we been doing
Henry: I'm not gonna tell her and neither you
Chole: why
Henry: do you know I could lose Charlotte
Chole: and do you know if you keep the secret longer and her to find out in the streets you gotta be crazy
Henry: I rather not tell her and you better not say shit to her
Chole: you always know that I speak the truth even if it turn out bad. Freddie knows and he's mad at me even though he's dating someone else cause I know he loves me and I love him
Henry: but I love you and Charlotte I love her but not in love with her
Chole: what come on Henry all those text she text you that's love why can't you see it I stop loving you ever since the day Freddie found out cause I love him.
Henry: well Charlotte is never gonna know what happen between us
Chole: oh so you wanna keep it no, cause if you do sure you might lose her, but if you keep it inside for too long you gonna feel guilty inside. Look I know you love Charlotte and I know you don't want to lose her but I don't want you to lose the opportunities that's gonna come for you 2 she might forgive you even if she don't I'm sure she will somehow, but you have to tell Charlotte one way or another.
Charlotte: tell me what (in the doorway and slam the door) who are you
Chole: I'm Chole
Charlotte: what is it that you two have to tell me, answer me.
Chole: Charlotte, me and Henry....
Henry: nothing
Charlotte: no let her finish, go on
Chole: look I came here to break things off with Henry cause I know he loves you and I love someone else
Charlotte: wait you two were dating the whole time you was with me
Henry: yes ok and I'm sorry
Charlotte: so I'm just a game to you
Henry: no you were never like that
Charlotte: then what was I cause I saw your text with Chole my love and mine just Charlotte with harts come on I thought I was your love
Chole: and you can still be
Charlotte: I don't know Chole, was you finna keep the secret from me
Henry: yeah cause I didn't want to break us
Charlotte: well it looks like you already did, I guess this ring doesn't mean anything (taking the promise ring off)
Henry: Charlotte please don't take it off
Charlotte: why did you use me for sex and just to play your little games.
Henry: I'm sorry
Charlotte: yeah so am I (walking out and slam the door)
Henry: she never gonna forgive me for this
Chole: I'm sure she will Freddie did the same even though I haven't told him I love him but we talk. I'm sure it will work out between you amd Char believe that, goodbye Henry (walking out the door)

" What now", Henry said to himself as he sat down on the couch.

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