What Do I Say

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Henry Pov:

Charlotte: umm what
Henry: do you love me
Charlotte: look we just start hanging out I don't know all of this yet. I gotta go goodnight (going into the house)

I kinda understand Charlotte but she don't understand that I love her like really love her, that's alright I'll get her to love me soon.

Next day

I woke up this morning and head to work and my boss told me to head to the Fashion company and talk to Charlotte Page and they be there in a second. I went there I went to her office but I only see a girl there.

Henry: umm excuse me
Lizzy: umm Hey you the guy that is working with us, how are you
Henry: I'm good (shaking her hand) I'm Henry
Lizzy: I'm Lizzy

Henry: umm excuse meLizzy: umm Hey you the guy that is working with us, how are you Henry: I'm good (shaking her hand) I'm HenryLizzy: I'm Lizzy

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Lizzy Hernandez

Lizzy: what you need
Henry: I'm looking for Charlotte
Lizzy: I don't know a Charlotte  I just start here today
Henry: maybe you seen her around, here (taking out his phone and showing a pic of her)
Lizzy: oh my god that's is Charlotte she works here
Henry: yeah that's why I ask I thought you didn't know her
Lizzy: you just said Charlotte so how I know which Charlotte you talking about. God I haven't seen her in ages
Mrs. Perez: Hey Lizzy how you like your job(coming in)
Lizzy: it's good
Mrs. Perez: oh Henry what you doing here
Henry: I came to see Charlotte Page
Mrs. Perez: oh I'm sorry she off for the day
Henry: well thank you I come by tomorrow (walking out)

Where would she be if she off, oh I know. I call my boss and told him I need to go on lunch break and told him that she's not here today.

Charlotte Pov:

I just got from the gym I decide to go take a shower, after that I put my robe on and I was finna put my clothes on but someone knock on my door, bruh really. I went to the door and look through the peek hole, I was not in the mood with Henry today, so I decide to talk through the door.

Charlotte: what you want
Henry: why you not at work
Charlotte: cause today is my off day, why you not there
Henry: I am I'm just on my lunch
Charlotte: what you want
Henry: let me in
Charlotte: hell no
Henry: why
Charlotte: cause I just got out the shower and now I got my robe on with only my bra and panties
Henry: I wouldn't call it panties I most likely call them thongs
Charlotte: whatever see you
Henry: wait open the door so I can see your face.
Charlotte: (open the door) come in (walking into the kitchen)
Henry: thank you, damn why you try to hide all of this from me you know I seen it before
Charlotte: just tell me what you want.
Henry: I want you
Charlotte: please (Henry Phone rings)
Henry: excuse me (walking into the living room)

Ugh this man really gets on my nerves always trying to flirt with me or even more but I gotta say he is fine.

Henry: sorry it was my boss turns out I'm off for the rest of the day.
Charlotte: hey (fake smiling and rolling my eyes)
Henry: I know you happy
Charlotte: whatever (going into her liquid cabinet taking out a bottle of wine and getting a glass)
Henry: do you not like me or something
Charlotte: who said I didn't like you (pouring the wine into the glass and drinking it)
Henry: while you drinking give me a drink to (taking his jacket of his suit off)
Charlotte: you want vodka (getting it out and taking a glass out)
Henry: yeah give me that
Charlotte: here (giving it to him as he pour it in and start drinking it)
Henry: so you telling me you like me
Charlotte: I mean I never said I didn't (getting on the top of the counter to sit as Henry took a sit on the stool)
Henry: well I don't like you I love you
Charlotte: I hardly don't know what love is anymore (taking her another drink of her wine)
Henry: (he got up and put his glass in the sink as so did she cause she was next to it) maybe I could show you.

Third Pov:

Henry came close to Charlotte and start kissing her softly then stop. Which lead Charlotte to look at him kinda crazy but she liked it, she untie her robe pulling it down to her hips now Henry could see her sexy bra. She scooped in and kiss him roughly, Henry pick her up and went to her bedroom still kissing.

Y'all know what they gonna do next 😏😏😏😏

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