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Henry Pov:

When I came downstairs and see her brother looking like he was finna kill me I don't hardly know him I don't know what's gonna on.

Kyle: it's you
Henry: I don't hardly know you
Kyle: you the guy she left with at the club the other day
Henry: yeah that was me and I took her home
Kyle: no I don't buy that, look if you like my sister then go head for it but if you hurt in anyway I want hesitate to kill you, you got that white boy
Henry: yeah
Kyle: good now Charlotte come on to your house to get dressed we gotta go meet mamma (walking out the door)
Henry: well that went weird
Charlotte: I know sorry about him he just protective of me
Henry: I understand so am I (smirking)
Charlotte: ugh look I gotta get going
Henry: (grabbing her waist) or you can stay today with me
Charlotte: look come sit down (walking to the couch)
Henry: wassup (sitting down)
Charlotte: This thing daddy stuff I'm gonna have to back down
Henry: why babygirl
Charlotte: cause I mean we just meet like 2 days ago if I'm gonna be in a relationship I gotta know that person around a month or so
Henry: oh that's how it is (getting up and walking to the kitchen)
Charlotte: oh come on don't get mad just because I back down you know I need love
Henry: and you think I'm not giving to you
Charlotte:having sex is not love that just lust when you love someone you cuddle and talk about your problems and help each other solve it
Henry: so you don't want me
Charlotte: I don't know Henry ok I just meet you
Henry: so (coming close to her) you couldn't tell from the day you meet me that you like me
Charlotte: I mean I thought you was handsome but I can't be with someone I don't hardly know we have to get to know each other first
Henry: I understand how about I take you for dinner tomorrow night
Charlotte: I don't know I think about it
Henry: please
Charlotte: fine

Charlotte Pov:

Henry came close to me and what shocked me that he kiss me I thought I told him to slow down a little. I pull back looking at him crazy.

Henry: what
Charlotte: I thought I said take it slow
Henry: but I don't want to I want you
Charlotte: I think I should go (grabbing her purse and walking to the door)
Henry: oh and if you want me you know I always available

I had to get out of there soon or later cause he starting to scared me maybe it was a bad idea to mess with him in the first place, I think I gonna canceled the dinner thing with him cause I need to clear my mind. I went back into the house and see Kyle on the couch on his phone.

Kyle: you ok sis did he hurt you
Charlotte: no no I'm fine so let go get ready then we be on our way.
Kyle: alright

As I went upstairs and took a shower, after I showered and put some clothes on I got a text from Henry ugh what does he want.

Henry: hey boo💋
My love👅💋😘: I'm not your boo what do you want
Henry: I want you 💞
My Love👅💋😘: you know what I can't make to the dinner next week
Henry: why😢
My love👅💋😘: because I have things to do, maybe next time
Henry: sure why not 😒😒

I closed my phone gosh this boy gets on my nerves I really want to get him out my head but I can't I went downstairs and me and Kyle head to our mommas house.

I closed my phone gosh this boy gets on my nerves I really want to get him out my head but I can't I went downstairs and me and Kyle head to our mommas house

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Charlotte outfit.

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