Pleasure and Make up

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Henry Pov:

I really felt bad what I did to Charlotte I really do love her and I want to be the guy that she never wants to let go I gotta make it up to her tonight. I got ready to head to her house I know she off today cause it's Saturday I walk to her since it's one house down, I knock on the door 2 times till she came she open the door but close it back up when she saw me but I stop her.

Henry: look I know you mad what happen last night
Charlotte: I'm more than mad. I'm pissed
Henry: I know but can we just talk
Charlotte: 10 minutes (pushing the door back for Henry to come in)
Henry: can I make it up to you
Charlotte: no
Henry: come on please I'm sorry that I hurt you and I promise I won't do it again (touching her hand) I love you
Charlotte: How do I know that
Henry: you come to my house tonight you might find out (smirking)
Charlotte: you always so sneaky, fine I come
Henry: great you won't regret it (kiss her cheeks)

That night

Charlotte Pov:

I got ready to go to Henry's house I decide to wear something casual. I grab my purse and keys and head out the door and walk to his house. I knock on the door and he open it up with an cooking apron on with a button down shirt.

Henry: hey you made it
Charlotte: of course plus I was kinda force
Henry: very funny come on in (taking her hand)
Charlotte: so dinner ready
Henry: sure is, come on and eat.

After dinner

Charlotte: that food was delicious when did you learn how to cook like that
Henry: well I learn alot from my mom
Charlotte: well she did a good job teaching you
Henry: you look mighty sexy tonight
Charlotte: please I just wore something casual
Henry: it doesn't matter cause I think you sexy in every outfit you wear
Charlotte:(she was blushing) well thank you and I can say the same
Henry: I also got another surprise for you, follow me (getting up and walking down the hall)

I follow behind Henry when we made it to a two door room Henry brought out a key and open the door. We walk in and he walk to a closet. I look around the room it look like a sex room

Charlotte: HenryHenry: yes babygirlCharlotte: why you bring me in hereHenry: cause I want you to see how much I love you (unbutton his shirt)Charlotte: oh umm I

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Charlotte: Henry
Henry: yes babygirl
Charlotte: why you bring me in here
Henry: cause I want you to see how much I love you (unbutton his shirt)
Charlotte: oh umm I...
Henry: don't tell me you scared (getting behind her)
Charlotte: no not at all
Henry: good now take your clothes off
Charlotte: why
Henry: take it off or there will he consequences
Charlotte: fine (taking off her clothes leaving her in her sexy lingerie)
Henry: good now come with me (grabbing her hand as he handcuff her to the thing)
Charlotte: umm what are you doing
Henry: shhh. Let me do all the work (putting a blindfold on her then went to get a whip) you ready
Charlotte: yeah

Henry Pov:

I went behind Char and took the whip and spank her ass which made her yell in pain and she kick me from behind.

Henry: what was that
Charlotte: cause that shit hurt (made her get another one) shit

I gave her another one which made her moan on that one, I put the whip in front of her clit I rub it then I hit it a little which made her get out a loud moan. I put the whip up and got in front of her and kiss her neck a little then took my hand in touch her clit.

Charlotte: mmm (she moan)
Henry: you like what daddy is doing to you (as he put his hand further)
Charlotte: oh god yes!
Henry: do you miss me
Charlotte: yes
Henry: you miss my touch (as he went behind her and touch her ass)

Charlotte just nod her head, I place my hand on her clit feeling her wetness. I took the handcuff off of her and pick her up and place her on bed and handcuff her to the bed post. I went down to her panties and took them off and went to sucking her clit.
" oh shit, mmm", Charlotte moaned.

Charlotte Pov:

I didn't know what Henry was doing to me cause of my blindfold but I know it feels good.
After I felt Henry hands off me he took my blindfold off and uncuff me I  see us cover up with sheets with him smiling at me I couldn't help but smile back. I snuggle to him and went on to sleep later on so did he.

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