New to Town

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Charlotte Pov:

I pulled up to my new house I'm staying with my brother behind me with the moving truck, I got out the car and look at the house man this is beautiful in person.

I went to the grass and took the sold sign down and put it in my truck then got the house key and walk inside and see the living room and look around the room then Kyle came in with a box

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I went to the grass and took the sold sign down and put it in my truck then got the house key and walk inside and see the living room and look around the room then Kyle came in with a box.

Kyle: here's one of the box man this place is sick (putting the box down) come help me with the box outside
Charlotte: ok (walking outside to get the boxes in)

*after 10 more boxes and the furniture people came*

Kyle: ok here is the last box (sitting it down) want me to help you unpack some of your things
Charlotte: no I think I got it from here (putting the plates up in the cabinet) but thanks anyway bro
Kyle: ok well see you later call me if you need anything
Charlotte: ok see you later (walking him to the door and closing it)

Well it looks like this is my new home then something hit me my clothes are in the trunk, I went outside to get my clothes I tried to get it but it was kinda heavy before I give it another try someone came behind me amd grab it. I turn around and see a handsome guy with dirty blonde hair and wearing workout clothes damn he fine.

Henry Pov:

I just got home from the gym and was finna head into my house untill I saw a young women look like she needed help getting a box I went over there and grab the box for her.

Henry: here I got that for you
Charlotte: um thanks ok follow me. You can just sit there (pointing by her couch)
Henry: so you new to this neighborhood
Charlotte: yeah just moved in
Henry: well welcome to the neighborhood (smiling)

When she smile back I just stare at her she has such a pretty smile, her brown bedroom eyes gosh it's beautiful, and her body her curves but that ass when she walking I couldn't help but look at it then her boobs was fuller damn the things I could do to her in bed, wait what I just meet this girl pull it together.

Henry: well I better get going and if you want any company I live next door so you can come by anytime that I'm not a work
Charlotte: well thanks for the invite (walking him to the door)
Henry: (grabbing her hand and putting something in it) that's my number if you want to call me 😉 (walking out and going home)

Charlotte Pov:

Ok that man or whatever his name he is cute but I'm not looking forward to a relationship right now, I look at the paper he gave me oh so his name is Henry but I didn't give him my name oh well as I grab the box and pushing it to my room.

What do you think of this Chapter and what will happen next??

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