Make me Feel at Home

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*around 2 in the morning*

Charlotte Pov:

(Charlotte bad dream )

Her dad: come here babygirl come to daddy
Charlotte: no leave me alone you rape
Her dad: don't do that now come here (taking her clothes off)
Charlotte: no (screaming)

I woke up screaming I been having the same dream over again that my daddy rape me but now he's in jail. I need someone to hold I know Kyle probably sleep the only person I know is Henry, I got out of bed and grab my mini backpack and put some clothes in then grab my phone and house keys and walk across the street to his house. I knock on the door 3 times nobody answer, so I try the doorbell then I saw a light pop on inside Henry look out the window and saw me and open the door with no shirt on.

Henry: babygirl what are you doing here this time of night
Charlotte: umm can I stay over for the night please
Henry: sure, come on in (inviting her in and close and locking the door behind her)
Charlotte: umm thanks
Henry: sure you can go on to your room
Charlotte: actually can I sleep in your room
Henry: oh (smirking)
Charlotte: no not like that I mean just to sleep
Henry: sure (holding his hand out) come on

I grab his hand and he lead me upstairs to his room when we got up there his room was so beautiful he had a nice bed, wall painting red, and photos hanging up man he really does like photography alot.

Henry: here make yourself at home (patting a spot for me)
Charlotte: thanks (as I took of my jacket and pants which leaves me in my oversize shirt, as I hop in the bed)
Henry: are you trying to tease me with an oversize t-shirt
Charlotte: maybe and maybe not
Henry: night babygirl
Charlotte: night

Henry Pov:

I really want to know what's wrong with my babygirl and why she came here this late but I find out in the morning I went on to sleep but I wrapped my arms around her to make sure she safe in my arms

Next morning

Charlotte Pov:

I woke up from the the sun hitting my face something smell good, I roll over and see Henry not there. I got out of the bed went to the bathroom wash my face then head downstairs, when I got there I seen Henry cooking and setting a plate on the table.

Henry: morning babygirl
Charlotte: do you always call me that
Henry: yeah now I do cause it goes with you
Charlotte: well good morning to you too Henry, you making breakfast
Henry: sure is come eat with me (as he sit down)
Charlotte: ok (sitting down and starting eating) mmm this is good
Henry: thanks
Charlotte: welcome
Henry: Charlotte I have to ask you something
Charlotte: wassup
Henry: why you came in last night
Charlotte: nun I just wanted to spend time with you
Henry: naw that's not it cause half of the time you don't like me so what's going why spend the night last night
Charlotte: (drop her fork) Can I trust you
Henry: sure you can tell me anything
Charlotte: well I had a bad dream last night and I couldn't be alone cause I'm afraid I might dream about it again so I came over
Henry: well what is it
Charlotte: I can't tell you
Henry: why I thought I told you, you can trust me
Charlotte: only Kyle knows about this dream nobody else so
Henry: come on just tell me
Charlotte: I had a dream about my dad
Henry: and how that's a bad thing
Charlotte: you don't understand my dad rape me when I was 16 and when my mom found us in my bedroom she call the police and he been in prison since
Henry: so that was your dream last night
Charlotte: yeah
Henry: Char I'm so sorry
Charlotte: there was nothing you couldn't do
Henry: well hey, whenever you feel lonely or just want to talk you know this is your home to with me
Charlotte: (smiling) thanks

Henry was finna say something but my phone rung, I hold up a finger for him then answer it.

Phone conversation

Charlotte: hello
Kyle: Char there's something you need to (talking scared)
Charlotte: Kyle you ok what's wrong
Kyle: dad got out

What will happen next????
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