Daddy's Home or Is He

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Charlotte Pov:

I drop my phone to the ground and run upstairs to Henry's room and slammed the door, I grab my clothes and my shower things and head towards it.

I drop my phone to the ground and run upstairs to Henry's room and slammed the door, I grab my clothes and my shower things and head towards it

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Char's outfit

After I came out the bathroom Henry was sitting on the bed looking at me concerned.

Henry: babygirl you ok
Charlotte: yeah I'm fine just gotta get home
Henry: why you leaving so early what's going on you was on the phone and then you race upstairs, tell me what's going on
Charlotte: I can't I don't want to scare you
Henry: I won't be scared now what's wrong
Charlotte: my dad, he got out (starting tearing up)
Henry: and you think he's out to get you
Charlotte: I know he is that's why I need to go home and pack then maybe sleep at a hotel
Henry: Char listen to me and calm down you can stay with me till I found somewhere we can hide
Charlotte: thank you (hugging him)
Henry: it's ok I got you

Later that day

Henry Pov:

Me and Charlotte went to her house and pack some of her clothes and things and went to my house until my friend Jasper shows up. We was sitting on the couch until the doorbell rung that made Char get behind the couch cause she was scared that was her dad. I look out the window and see tall man, I look to Charlotte to see if she down and she is. I open the door.

Henry: excuse me who are you
Mr. Page: I'm Carl Page do you know a Charlotte Page she's my daughter
Henry: I'm sorry I don't know a Charlotte Page
Carl: umm here's a pic of her (pulling out his phone)

Henry: sorry never seen herCarl: well thanks anywayHenry: no problem (as he shut the door)Charlotte: is he goneHenry: yeah babygirl he's gone (pulling her into a hug) it's ok I got you (doorbell rung)  who is itKyle: KyleHenry: hey wassup (opening...

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Henry: sorry never seen her
Carl: well thanks anyway
Henry: no problem (as he shut the door)
Charlotte: is he gone
Henry: yeah babygirl he's gone (pulling her into a hug) it's ok I got you (doorbell rung)  who is it
Kyle: Kyle
Henry: hey wassup (opening the door and letting him in)
Kyle: I came to go to the cabin with my sister also I saw dad what was he doing here(went over hugging Char by the side)
Henry: he was looking for Char
Kyle: we need to leave now cause if he finds her it no telling he do to her
Henry: I'm worried as you bro (getting a text) ok that's Jasper come on (grabbing his bag and headed out after Kyle and Char)

At the Cabin

Charlotte Pov:

We finally made to the cabin lucky Jasper had an extra rooms one for me and Henry and one one for Kyle, I was sitting next to the bay window and looking out there until Henry came in.

Henry: babygirl you ok
Charlotte: yeah I'm fine
Henry: look I know you scared that your dad is looking for you but I promise we keeping you safe.
Charlotte: thanks (getting into the bed) night
Henry: night
Kyle: (knock on the door) Char sis can I come in
Charlotte: yeah sure
Kyle: are you ok
Charlotte: yeah I'm fine
Kyle: well you gonna be more fine after this
Charlotte: why what's going on
Kyle: well mom said dad came by there
Charlotte: he what is she ok
Kyle: calm down she fine when she heard that dad came home and forced her to sell drugs she contacted the police and told them to hide in the backroom and when he got there with the drug they got him and arrested him so he's back in Jail
Charlotte: omg that's great
Kyle: I know so I probably be gone by morning
Charlotte: ok well goodnight and I contact you later
Kyle: alright well see you

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