Piper's back

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Henry Pov:

Me and Piper are in the dinner room eating breakfast and Charlotte still haven't came down yet hope she's ok I hope Piper didn't scare her that much.

Henry: so Piper what is the real reason you came home
Piper: well we out for a whole week so I thought maybe spend it with my brother also can I move in
Henry: (almost choke on his drink) what
Piper: can I move in here
Henry: umm I don't know about that
Piper: come on most of the time I be out with friends so you don't have to worry about me being here all day
Henry: that sounds great and all but let me think about it ok
Piper: fine with me
Henry: moring Charlotte
Charlotte:morning (going in the kitchen to make coffee)
Henry: I see you found a robe upstairs
Charlotte: yeah I didn't know who it was so I just grab it so yea
Henry: Piper this Charlotte you two haven't be properly introduce
Piper: hi Charlotte
Charlotte: hey
Piper: I'm sorry that I scared you last night I was just trying to get in the house
Charlotte: it's ok (phone dings)

Kyle👫: where are you I'm at your house and nobody is answering the door.
Char💖👫:  I'm across the street in that house I'm coming back over.

I seen Charlotte on the phone I wanna know who it is I went over there and see her texting her brother.

Henry: you ok babygirl (hugging her from behind which scared her a little)
Charlotte: yeah I'm fine and what are you doing your sister is here
Henry: so she taking a shower (kissing her neck)
Charlotte:umm I gotta get home
Henry: why you can stay here and I can keep you company (still kissing her neck)
Charlotte: my brother.... Is....at....the house (she tried to talk but he was sucking her sweet spot)
Henry: well he can wait (turning her around) come on give daddy a kiss

She pecked me on the lips which I took he back in for a rough kiss she was fighting it before now she accepted it. We continued to kiss gosh she has some soft lips, I put my hands on her ass which she moaned in the kiss. I lifted her up and placed her on the counter in the kitchen, I was finna take het robe off but the doorbell rung.

Kyle: Char you in there
Charlotte: oh no my brother you need to hide somewhere or go upstairs
Henry: ok (going upstairs but peeking)

Charlotte Pov:

I open the door and see my brother looking like I had 3 heads.

Charlotte: hey bro wassup
Kyle: I came here to tell you mom want us to come visit her today
Charlotte: ok
Kyle: also why are you across the street from your own house with your sexy pj's on
Charlotte: umm
Piper: hey who's at the door (coming to the door)
Kyle: hey
Piper: hey I finna go out see you Char and tell Henry I'm gone (walking pass Kyle)
Charlotte: ok bye Piper
Kyle: you have some explaining to do (walking into the house)
Charlotte: (closing the door) ok but let's talk about this later
Kyle: no now who is Henry and who is that who just walk out.
Charlotte: that's his sister and Henry he's a friend
Kyle: yeah like I believe that where is he I wanna meet him
Charlotte: Why
Kyle: cause a if he wants to get into your pants he better be man enough to meet me I always protect you even if I go to jail I can't see my twin hurt cause if you are hurt a part of me is too
Charlotte: (hugging him) thank you bro I love you
Kyle: love you too, now where is he
Henry: I'm right here (coming down stairs)
Kyle: you

What are your thoughts and what will happen next??

Also "Back in Time" is mostly a Christmas book so it mostly be published in December

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