Next Morning 😳😳

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Charlotte Pov:

I woke up from the sun shinning in my face I look around and see I am not at my house then I look down and see I cover up with sheets Omg where am I, before I got the chance to get up the bedroom door open and it was Henry in his boxers with no shirt on but had a golden chain around his neck which made him look hot, wait what am I saying.

Henry: morning babygirl
Charlotte: babygirl
Henry: yeah that's your nickname for me
Charlotte: ok don't call me that anyway what am I doing here
Henry: well you were drunk so I took you to my house which lead to things I ever imagine (smirking)
Charlotte: we had sex
Henry:oh I bet we did and it was sexy (coming into the bed with Charlotte)
Charlotte: (scooting over some with the sheets) umm please
Henry:come on it was the way we had sex together was amazing and the word that you call me was really sexy (coming close to her again then putting his hand on her thighs)
Charlotte: please I don't want to hear it
Henry: daddy (whisper in her ear)
Charlotte: ok that's enough look I made a mistake we both did and it should never happen ok
Henry: you saying it but you don't mean it
Charlotte: I do mean it now I gotta get home (getting up from the bed)
Henry: why you holding the sheets it's not like I never seen you naked remember we did it last night so I seen it all now drop babygirl
Charlotte: but I don't...
Henry: now (giving her the look)
Charlotte:ok (dropping the sheets)
Henry: good girl
Charlotte: can you stop talking to me like I'm your child you are not my daddy you know
Henry: I know but I can be it
Charlotte: you crazy (putting on her outfit)
Henry: yeah ok call me crazy all you want to but I am your daddy
Charlotte:whatever (walking out)

Henry Pov:

She think I'm not her daddy but she will get the message for sure, the way we had sex last night was wild the way she said daddy made me so hard she is definitely a daddy's girl material she just need some rules.

*night time*

Charlotte Pov:

I call Kyle and told him what happen and he was proud of me but I kept trying to explain but he wouldn't listen so I took a nap to clear my head. I woke up around 8:30 pm and went to the kitchen to fix me a snack then my phone ring I look and it was Henry so I ignore it then it ring again so I answer it.

Charlotte: what
Henry: you just gonna ignore me like that baby
Charlotte: ok all these pet names need to stop what is with you
Henry: you come to my house
Charlotte: I'm not coming
Henry: do what your daddy says or there will be punishment
Charlotte: what are you talking about, what do you want from me
Henry: I want you nothing else
Charlotte: but why me
Henry: cause you something special and I want that from you so come on to daddy
Charlotte: stop saying daddy you are not my daddy
Henry: That what you say but you don't mean it you want me to your daddy
Charlotte: you are crazy
Henry: come over now and I mean it. (Hanging up)

Ugh this man is crazy thinking I'm his babygirl and he's my daddy I'm going over there but I won't be there for long, I grab my purse and keys and walk across the street to his house and knock on the door. He open it and grab me by the hand and drag me inside.

Henry: so you wanna be a bad girl
Charlotte: so you wanna play the game daddy and his babygirl ok I play (throwing my purse on the couch) daddy are you gonna punish me for being a bad girl (talking in a baby voice)
Henry: stop playing
Charlotte: I'm not playing you said you gonna be my daddy so here I go I'm your babygirl happy
Henry: oh I more than happy so now here go the rules have a sit (pointing towards the couch as she sits)

Henry Pov:

Ok now that she understands I'm the daddy of this town she gonna learn my rules whether she like it or not.

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