Getting To Know The Neighbor 😳 😏

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Charlotte Pov:

I woke up this morning heading towards the kitchen grabbing a cup of coffee and fixing breakfast, I went grocery shopping last night good thing I caught them before they closed. After I eat my breakfast I went to my room and took a shower, after I decide to go hit the gym I went to my drawer and put on my workout clothes.

 After I eat my breakfast I went to my room and took a shower, after I decide to go hit the gym I went to my drawer and put on my workout clothes

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After I got dress and everything I went to the kitchen to grab my water bottle then grab my keys and head out. I was finna get in my truck when someone call my name, I turn around and it was my neighbor.

Henry: Hey Charlotte
Charlotte: hey umm Henry
Henry: yea that's my name
Charlotte: umm how you know my name I never told you
Henry: well the box I carry yesterday it had your name on it so that's how I got your name
Charlotte: oh ok umm well see you around
Henry: sure hey umm where you off to
Charlotte: the gym
Henry: me too how about I give you a ride
Charlotte: umm no I could drive myself
Henry: come on I promise I won't bite (smiling)
Charlotte: umm sure (walking to his house)
Henry: ok let's go (getting in as Charlotte got in also as they took off)
Charlotte: so what you do for a living
Henry: I'm a photographer
Charlotte: wow that's good to hear
Henry: yeah how about you
Charlotte: I'm a fashion designer
Henry: oh that's cool maybe I could take some pics of you in your fashions
Charlotte: yeah maybe (as they pull up to the gym)

*after the gym*

Henry: you want to come over my place
Charlotte: umm I don't hardly know you and you don't know me
Henry: then we can get to know each other what do you say
Charlotte: fine but just for a little while
Henry: ok let's go then

I got kinda nervous going to Henry's house cause I barely know him but he seem like a cool guy but I'm not looking for a relationship right now. We made it to his house and it look nice from the outside, once we made it inside I look around and god it is beautiful.

Henry: you can make yourself comfortable want a drink
Charlotte: umm just soda please
Henry: oh you don't drink (going into the fridge grabbing her a soda)
Charlotte: no I'm not a drinker (grabbing the soda from Henry) thanks
Henry: no problem so what else to know about you
Charlotte: well I have a twin brother, I just moved here from New York
Henry: wow you have a twin cool
Charlotte: yea how about
Henry: well I have a little sister who's in college and I live a good life also I'm very single, what about you
Charlotte: (she almost choke on her soda) what about me
Henry: are you single
Charlotte: well to answer your question yes I'm single
Henry: why a sexy women like you shouldn't be single
Charlotte: well thanks
Henry(came to sit next to her) hey I'm sure you find someone special (grabbing her hand)
Charlotte: umm do you have a bathroom I need to wash my hands
Henry: sure down the hallway
Charlotte: thanks (getting up and heading to the bathroom)

I had to get out of there before something weird happens like me blushing I kinda like him but I'm just not ready yet, I finish washing my hands grabbing a towel until I see Henry in the doorway coming behind me.

Henry Pov:

Charlotte said she was single well it's my chance to make a move to give her a little single to let her know that I want her, so I followed her to the bathroom and went behind her and put my hands on each side of her.

Charlotte: what are you doing
Henry: just looking at you
Charlotte: umm look thanks for today but I gotta go
Henry: why I'm having fun stay the night with me (pushing her curls back and kissing her neck which made her gasp)
Charlotte: look I don't (gasp as he bite her neck)
Henry: come on stay the night with me (putting his hands around her waist)
Charlotte:I gotta get home (trying to get out his grip) please let me go
Henry: come on don't act like you don't want me I know you do
Charlotte: can I please go
Henry: you can go (letting her go)

I see her rush out she grab her bag and water bottle and went on home, I can tell from her eyes that she want me she just denining it she will get with me I just need a plan to get her to be with me.

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