At the Club

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Charlotte Pov:

Ok so last night was weird with Henry I didn't know what got into him but it was creepy so I just put it behind me cause my brother is coming over to be nosy for sure. And out of nowhere the doorbell rung I went to the door and there was my twin.

Kyle: hey sis what you been up to (coming in)
Charlotte: nothing just hanging around the house
Kyle: that's good to here anyway I want to invite you to the club
Charlotte: let me think about it umm no
Kyle: why
Charlotte: you know I don't like clubs like that
Kyle: come on maybe you can find a nice handsome man there so you won't be alone
Charlotte: I not looking for a relationship like I said
Kyle: you keep saying that but when are you ready come on Char you been single for a year now
Charlotte: I just don't know yet
Kyle: come on promise it be fun
Charlotte: ugh fine I go
Kyle: thank you
Charlotte: and I know you gonna be a lucky guy tonight with girls around you
Kyle: well duh I mean look at me
Charlotte: whatever anyway text me tonight when you get here
Kyle:alright I gotta go shopping anyway so see you
Charlotte: ok (close the door behind her and head upstairs)

*night time*

I am in my bathroom getting ready for the club can't believe Kyle thought me into this but I guess he's right I need to be with somebody since my boyfriend died from being in a gang and I know it was stupid to date him but he was something special but he's gone. I finished doing my hair and checking out my outfit👇👇👇

I have to say I look good, I got a text and see Kyle saying he's outside I went to his car and see him all dress up too then we took off

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I have to say I look good, I got a text and see Kyle saying he's outside I went to his car and see him all dress up too then we took off.

*at the club*

Kyle: come on sis losing up
Charlotte: I'm trying haven't been at a club a while
Kyle: told you that you needed a night out now come on let's get drinks,hey bartender can you give me 2 shots of Vodka thank you)
Charlotte: I don't think I should drink that
Kyle: come on Char live it up ok (giving her the drink)
Charlotte:ok (taking the shot) woo
Kyle: see you getting in the hang (looking at his phone) well have fun I finna go look for some girls (leaving Charlotte alone)
Charlotte: can I get another one thank you (looking at her phone) thank you ( taking another hit of Vodka)

*after 5 more shots*

I started feeling dizzy but I got in the hang of it as I ask the bartender for another shot, he gave it to me but before I could drink it someone snatch it from my hand and it was the hot neighbor.

Henry: ok that's enough (setting the drink on the table)
Charlotte: how you gonna tell me
Henry: cause I can no more drinks babygirl
Charlotte: you can't tell me what to do you not my daddy
Henry: hmm that's what you think
Charlotte: whatever (try to get up and she did and head to the dance floor)

I was dancing to beat of the song and moving my hips until I feel someone wrap their hand around me.

Henry: keep dancing (whisper in her ear)

I keep dancing on Henry and moving my hips then I feel him hard which felt good I move my head back and turn around and kiss him rough and he accepted it with his hands on my ass then what happen shock me a little but it felt right he kissed my neck which made me moan a little then he went to my ear and whisper something.  "Come with me I want to show you something".

What do you think what will happen next???

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