Together or Not

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Charlotte Pov:

I woke up and see Henry looking at me smiling then he kissed my forehead.

Henry: morning babygirl
Charlotte: morning
Henry: come on get you gotta head to work and I gotta go home and change so catch you later (walking out the bedroom)

I really starting to get attached to Henry I think we finally getting somewhere I hope. I get up and got ready for work, I think after work I'm gonna surprise Henry maybe go by the grocery store and pick up a few things then maybe cook for him and all.

At work

Charlotte: umm hey you must be the new girl
Lizzy: yes I (stop as she turn around and see Charlotte) Charlotte
Charlotte: Lizzy, omg it's been so long (hugging each other)
Lizzy: yes Chica we need to catch up what you been up to
Charlotte: not that much I just moved here like 1 month ago and now I have a job here, how about you
Lizzy: girl I been then and there but I find what I been dream of
Charlotte: same here, you and Kevin still together
Lizzy: girl we engaged
Charlotte: ok we need some serious catching up to do but not tonight
Lizzy: oh you got a new man now
Charlotte: I hope I mean we got closer and I think we getting somewhere
Lizzy: that's good you move on
Charlotte: Yeah
Lizzy: speaking of men there was a guy name Henry something anyway he wanted to interview you or something
Charlotte: oh ok then I schedule for tomorrow
Lizzy: ok anyway I gotta go do my job
Charlotte: what you do around here
Lizzy: mostly answer calls, getting dresses ready and other things
Charlotte: that's good I gotta catch up anyway talk to you later
Lizzy: ok (walking out)

Later that evening

Later that evening

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Charlotte design

Charlotte:(knock on Lizzy office door)
Lizzy: come in
Charlotte: hey umm I finna head home and where is Mrs. Perez
Lizzy: umm she left early but what you need
Charlotte: umm yes this (handing her the fashion book)
Lizzy: wow you really good better since college
Charlotte: well thank you can you leave that in her box or something
Lizzy: sure so where you off to your date
Charlotte: it's kinda of but whatever I contact you let me give you my number
Lizzy: here's mine, I catch you later girl
Charlotte: ok

At Henry's House

I made it to his house but I see another car there must be his mom or family member. I grab the grocery and knock on the door bout 4 times final he open it with his shirt off.

Henry: hey umm what you doing here
Charlotte: I came to make us dinner so can I come in
Henry: umm now is not a good time
Charlotte: but I planned it all this evening I even text you
Henry: look we will but not tonight
Charlotte: but why....
Bianca: Henry bae why you taking so.. Oh hi (coming behind Henry with his shirt on)

I hand the bag over to Henry and ran to my car and see Henry trying to follow me I was finna open my door until he close it back up.

Henry: look Charlotte I can't explain
Charlotte: explain what that you using me
Henry: I would never use you
Charlotte: well it looks like you are or you using her either way you lied to me
Henry: about what
Charlotte: that you love cause I actually thought you love me cause the way you care about me tells me
Henry: I do love you
Charlotte: no you don't (tears falling from her eyes) I have a question did you had sex with her or did you just talk and don't lie to me
Henry: we did have sex
Charlotte: you a peace of shit (as she slapped him) I was finna get you a chance to maybe be my boyfriend but turns out you just like the other guys. Maybe finding love is not right for me anymore (as she went into her car and went home)

I went home and took a shower and rest in my bed in tears, I can't believe Henry would do this but turns out every guy is like him. I went to my closet and pull out my memories of me and Luke, I find a picture of me and him at the Canaveral with me holding the bear he got me and I still got it somewhere in the room, then came a picture with him.

 I went to my closet and pull out my memories of me and Luke, I find a picture of me and him at the Canaveral with me holding the bear he got me and I still got it somewhere in the room, then came a picture with him

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Back of the pic: Always in your heart
-Luke R.

I cried a little more cause I miss him so much I grab the necklace from my neck and look at it then went to my closet and finding the teddy bear he got me. I grab it and put it close to me like I did in the picture and went on to sleep.

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