My Background Story

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Charlotte Pov:

Henry put me on the bed as he got on top of me kissing me roughly while I unbutton his shirt after he took it off and threw it somewhere in the room. He went to my neck probably leaving hickeys on it "mmm, yes right there" I moaned, he then lay me flat on the bed and start kissing me again. I took control and flip us over now I was on top kissing him roughly as I undid his pants and belt, he took it off and put it to the side leaving him in his boxers I continued to kiss him till Henry put his hands around me and trying unclip my bra I finally came to my senses.

Charlotte: wait, wait, wait
Henry: what (sitting up and wrapping my legs around his waist)
Charlotte: what are we doing
Henry: what it look like we doing
Charlotte: I don't know is it making love or having sex
Henry: it doesn't matter it's the same thing why you stop
Charlotte: I don't know maybe I'm confused (getting off of him and sitting on her side of the bed)
Henry: why you keep shutting me out
Charlotte: I'm not shutting you out
Henry: then why you keep stopping me for doing what I'm doing
Charlotte: cause I'm afraid you won't love me!
Henry: what
Charlotte: I'm afraid you not gonna love me
Henry: why would you say that you know I love you
Charlotte: do you cause the way you talk about me and all I just don't know
Henry: of course why won't you give me a chance
Charlotte: I had enough giving people a chance
Henry: what
Charlotte: after my boyfriend Luke died it was about 3 months later after he died boys kinda ask me out and I said yes. But what I didn't know is that they use me for sex cause look at my body nobody has never love me like Luke did (started crying) he cared for me, he love me for me not for the sex but for love, he also protected me for the life he was living.
Henry: what do you mean about that is there another part of the story
Charlotte: when me and Luke was walking down the street some boys I turn down plus they were trying to raped me but I escaped somehow and went home to Luke. 2 days later me and Luke was walking back to the dorm when a car came by and pull out a gun those where the people who were trying to raped me. One of them point a gun at me but before the bullet hit me it hit Luke cause he jumped in the way to save my life. And I remember the last word he said
"Find someone you love and cared about, but don't forget I'm in your heart and always love you" (bust into tears)
Henry: it's ok (bringing her into a hug)
Charlotte: also after his funeral I went to the apartment and saw my bestie there with a box and when I open it, it was a locket with us inside it but on the side it said "find your love, I'll be ok". And I still got it on me (getting up walking to her jewelry box and got it)
Henry: wow you still got this
Charlotte: yeah (she said softly) he was my first true love

 And I still got it on me (getting up walking to her jewelry box and got it)Henry: wow you still got thisCharlotte: yeah (she said softly) he was my first true love

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Charlotte: I really miss him thoughHenry: wow (got tears coming from his eyes)Charlotte: that's why I didn't say I love you yet cause I still love himHenry: I understand how about I give you some time to think through

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Charlotte: I really miss him though
Henry: wow (got tears coming from his eyes)
Charlotte: that's why I didn't say I love you yet cause I still love him
Henry: I understand how about I give you some time to think through. (Getting up but Charlotte push him back and kiss him)
Charlotte: I have time (looking him into his eyes)
Henry: you wanna take a shower
Charlotte: yeah but you don't have any clothes (getting up)
Henry: I don't need clothes soon as we get out the shower I wanna try something
Charlotte: oh really
Henry: yeah (taking her hand and leading her to the shower)

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