I'm Just a Poor Boy

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I laid down gently on the chair and looked up at the servant who was to wash my hair. I gave her a tiny smile, trying to ignore the fact that she was basically a slave, living her life of endless servitude with no pay. I felt her start to pull at my hair, massaging my scalp, which felt very nice in the hot water. I closed my eyes to avoid awkward eye contact with the girl.

"So, Ashley, you and Zuzu seemed upset at each other." Azula observed.

"Yeah, he was kinda being annoying." I replied. I opened my eyes and looked at the servant, her eyes suddenly laced with confusion. I narrowed my eyes and my body suddenly tensed. I was an idiot. The girl had washed the ink out of my hair, revealing my naturally dirty-blonde hair. I widened my eyes. If Azula found out, my life would be over, my identity compromised.

"Really, why?" Ty Lee asked with interest.

I stammered a bit due to my new realization. "Uh- he was just being grumpy." I lied, not wanting to get into Zuko's problems.

"That does sound like Zuzu." Azula scoffed.

I glanced back at the servant girl and put my finger over my lips to make sure she stayed quiet about my hair. She nodded slightly and kept at her work.

I closed my eyes once again and listened to Azula and Ty Lee chatting. They just discussed things like their old school, and annoying girls that were in their classes. I supposed that the topic of conversation was due to their 14 year oldness popping out. Azula, for once, was acting her age.

"Haven't heard from Mai in a week." Ty Lee mentioned to Azula.

"Oh really?" Was her response. "I would've expected her to come around by now. She must be really scared of Ashley."

I blinked at the sound of my name. "Mai isn't scared of me," I dismissed.

"Sure she is, you intimidate her." Ty Lee said matter of factly.

I rolled my eyes. "How would you know?"

"We already went over this before, Ashley. Mai is still angry you have Zuko." Azula replied for Ty Lee.

"Oh god, not this again." I said with a tiny sigh.

"Why do you say that all the time? My god? What is god?" Ty Lee suddenly said.

"It's an Earth kingdom thing." I replied immediately.

"You wouldn't believe it because you don't know Mai." Azula explained. "She likes two things: to be gloomy and Zuko. But she can only have one or the other. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Not much of a personality." I said with a hint of amusement.

Azula cackled in response.

"Well I never told you. Mai was totally flirting with Zuko while you weren't in the room on our way back to the Fire Nation." Ty Lee explained.

This information piqued my interest. "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, she was. Although it wasn't very convincing. It mainly just turned into yelling, and her trying to prove she's better than you." Ty Lee continued.

"Well what did Zuko say?" I asked.

"He said he loves you more than the world, and Mai could never change that." Ty Lee answered.

I closed my eyes peacefully at that, and noticeably relaxed into my seat.

Azula made a choking sound as if to say that information was disgusting, and Ty Lee laughed at it.

"Shut up, Azula." I said jokingly. "I think it's beyond amazing that he said that." I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to snap at me for telling her to shut up, but she merely replied with a tiny scoff.

The Fire Within - an atla fanfic (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now